“‘As long
as I do all the talking, things go all right,’”
Closing single quote was double quote
in original
“when, where, and
Missing period in original
Chapter XXII “to go to bed agreeably”
typo: “agreebly”
Chapter XXIII “to participate in class discussions?”
typo: “discussions.”
In addition, in Chapter XVI a full line was missing. The original reads:
“And again, I command thee
that thou shalt pray vocally as well
as well as in private.” (Doc. & Cov., Sec.
The corrected text is:
“And again, I command thee
that thou shalt pray vocally as well
as in thy heart; yea, before the world as well
as in secret, in public
as well as in private.” (Doc. & Cov., Sec.