The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 405 pages of information about The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844.

The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 405 pages of information about The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844.
produce great quantities of spirits in retired spots, rarely visited by the police, in the great cities.  Gaskell estimates these secret distilleries in Manchester alone at more than a hundred, and their product at 156,000 gallons at the least.  In Manchester there are, besides, more than a thousand public-houses selling all sorts of alcoholic drinks, or quite as many in proportion to the number of inhabitants as in Glasgow.  In all other great towns, the state of things is the same.  And when one considers, apart from the usual consequences of intemperance, that men and women, even children, often mothers with babies in their arms, come into contact in these places with the most degraded victims of the bourgeois regime, with thieves, swindlers, and prostitutes; when one reflects that many a mother gives the baby on her arm gin to drink, the demoralising effects of frequenting such places cannot be denied.

On Saturday evenings, especially when wages are paid and work stops somewhat earlier than usual, when the whole working-class pours from its own poor quarters into the main thoroughfares, intemperance may be seen in all its brutality.  I have rarely come out of Manchester on such an evening without meeting numbers of people staggering and seeing others lying in the gutter.  On Sunday evening the same scene is usually repeated, only less noisily.  And when their money is spent, the drunkards go to the nearest pawnshop, of which there are plenty in every city—­over sixty in Manchester, and ten or twelve in a single street of Salford, Chapel Street—­and pawn whatever they possess.  Furniture, Sunday clothes where such exist, kitchen utensils in masses are fetched from the pawnbrokers on Saturday night only to wander back, almost without fail, before the next Wednesday, until at last some accident makes the final redemption impossible, and one article after another falls into the clutches of the usurer, or until he refuses to give a single farthing more upon the battered, used-up pledge.  When one has seen the extent of intemperance among the workers in England, one readily believes Lord Ashley’s statement that this class annually expends something like twenty-five million pounds sterling upon intoxicating liquor:  and the deterioration in external conditions, the frightful shattering of mental and physical health, the ruin of all domestic relations which follow may readily be imagined.  True, the temperance societies have done much, but what are a few thousand teetotallers among the millions of workers?  When Father Matthew, the Irish apostle of temperance, passes through the English cities, from thirty to sixty thousand workers take the pledge; but most of them break it again within a month.  If one counts up the immense numbers who have taken the pledge in the last three or four years in Manchester, the total is greater than the whole population of the town—­and still it is by no means evident that intemperance is diminishing.

Project Gutenberg
The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.