Essays in Liberalism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 216 pages of information about Essays in Liberalism.

Essays in Liberalism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 216 pages of information about Essays in Liberalism.
There will doubtless in time be gradual sorting of politicians into definite groups, but there are two unbridgeable gulfs in the Indian social system which must always militate against the building up of a solid political party system:  first, the gulf between Hindu and Moslem, which still yawns as wide as ever, and second, the gulf between the Brahman and the “untouchables” who, by the way, have found their fears that they would be downtrodden under the new Councils completely baseless.

There are and must be breakers ahead.  Some we can see, and there are doubtless others still bigger which we cannot yet glimpse over the welter of troubled waters.  What we can see is this:  first, there is a danger that unless Government and the Councils together can before the next elections in 1923-24 take definite steps towards the industrial development and the self-defence of India, the extremist party are likely to come in in full force and to create a deadlock in the administration; second, unless the Councils continue to accept a fiscal policy in accordance with the general interests of Great Britain and the Empire, there will be trouble.  The fiscal position is obscure, but it is the crux, for the Councils can indirectly stultify any policy distasteful to them, and this too may mean a deadlock; third, there is a danger that the Indianisation of the Services will advance much more rapidly than was ever contemplated, or than is desirable in the interests of India for many years to come, for the simple reason that capable young Englishmen of the right stamp will not, without adequate guarantees for their future, accept employment in India.  Those guarantees can be given satisfactorily by one authority alone, and that is by the Indian Legislatures voicing popular opinion.  For a complex administration bristling with technical questions, administrative, political, and economic, it is essential that India should have for many years to come the assistance of highly-educated Britons with the tradition of administration in their blood.  The Councils will be wise to recognise this and make conditions which will secure for them in the future as in the past the best stamp of adventurous Briton.

Finally, the Montagu-Chelmsford scheme, though a capable and conscientious endeavour to give gradual effect to a wise and generous policy, has of necessity its weak points.  The system of diarchy—­of allotting certain matters to the bureaucratic authority of the Viceroy and of the Provincial Governors and other matters to the representatives of the people—­is obviously a stop-gap, which is already moribund.  The attempt to fix definite periods at which further advances towards self-government can be considered is bound to fail:  you cannot give political concessions by a stop-watch; the advance will either be much more rapid or much slower than the scheme anticipates.  Again, the present basis of election is absurdly small, but any attempt to broaden it must tend towards adult suffrage, which in itself would appear impracticable with a population of over 200 millions.

Project Gutenberg
Essays in Liberalism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.