Frédéric Mistral eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Frédéric Mistral.

Frédéric Mistral eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Frédéric Mistral.

-oto (fem.).

passa, to pass. passaroto, passing to and fro.

-ou (masc.).

This is a noun-suffix of very frequent use.  It seems to be for Latin -or and -orium.

jouga, to play. jougadou, player. abla, to brag (cf.  Fr. habler). abladou, braggart. abausi, to abuse, to exaggerate. abausidou, braggart. courre, to run. courredou, corridor. lava, to wash. lavadou, lavatory. espande, to expand. espandidou, expanse, panorama. escourre, to flow out. escourredou, passage, hollow. toumba, to fall. toumbadou, water-fall. abeura, to water. abeuradou, drinking-trough. passa, to sift. passadou, sieve. mounda, to winnow. moundadou, sieve.


This is an adjective suffix.

iver, winter. ivernouge, wintry.

-oun (masc.), -ouno (fem.).

A diminutive suffix.

enfan, child. enfantoun, enfantouno, little child. pauriho, the poor. paurihoun, poor wretch.

-ounge (masc.).

A suffix forming nouns from adjectives.

viei, old. vieiounge, old age.

-our (fem.).

This is like the above.

viei, old. vieiour, old age.

-ous, -ouso.

This is the Latin -osus; French -eux, -euse.  It forms many new words in

urous (Fr. heureux), happy. pouderous (It. and Sp. poderoso), powerful. aboundous, abundant. pin, pine. pinous, covered with pines. escalabra, to climb. escalabrous, precipitous.

-ta (fem.).

This is the equivalent of the Latin -tas, French -te.  In Mistral’s language it is usually preceded by a connecting vowel e.

moundaneta, worldliness. soucieta, society. paureta, poverty.

-u (masc.), -udo (fem.).

This ending terminates the past participles of verbs whose infinitive ends in e.  It also forms many new adjectives.

astre, star. malastru, ill-starred. sabe, to know. saberu, learned.

The feminine form often becomes a noun.

escourre, to run out. escourregudo, excursion.

-un (masc.).

This is a very common noun-suffix.

clar, bright. clarun, brightness. rat, rat. ratun, lot of rats, smell of rats. paure, poor. paurun, poverty. dansa, to dance. dansun, love of dancing. plagne, to pity. plagnun, complaining. viei, old. vieiun, old age.

-uro (fem.).

toumba, to fall. toumbaduro, a fall. escourre, to flow away. escourreduro, what flows away. bagna, to wet. bagnaduro, dew.

Project Gutenberg
Frédéric Mistral from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.