on the Talatui
on the Palaihnihan 97
on certain Pujunan tribes 99, 100
Salishan researches 104
on the Sastean family 106
Tutelo researches 114
classification and habitat of Waiilatpuan tribes 127
on the Yakonan family 134
Hamilton manuscript cited 54
Hanega, population 87
Hano pueblo, Tusayan 123
population 123
Hare tribe, population 55
Harrison, on early Tutelo habitat 114
Haumonte, J. D., on the Taensa 96
Havasupai habitat and population 138
Hayden, Ferdinand V., linguistic literature 20
Haynarger vocabulary cited 54
Henshaw, H. W., Chumashan researches of 68
Costanoan researches of 70
Esselenian investigations of 76
Moquelumnan researches of 93
Salinan researches of 101
on Salinan population 102
on population of Cayuse 128
acknowledgments to 142
synonomy of tribes by 142
Heshotatsina, a Zuni village 139
Hewitt, J. N. B., on the derivation of “Iroquois” 77
Hidatsa population 118
Hoh, population and habitat 63
Holm, G., Greenland Eskimo 72
on East Greenland Eskimo population 75
Hoodsunu, population 87
Hoquiam, population 105
Hospitality of American Indians, source of 34
Howe, George, on early habitat of the Cherokee 78
Hudson Bay, Eskimo of 73
Humptulip, population 105
Hunah, population 87
Hunting claims 42, 43
Hupa, population of 56
on the Palaihnihan 97
on certain Pujunan tribes 99, 100
Salishan researches 104
on the Sastean family 106
Tutelo researches 114
classification and habitat of Waiilatpuan tribes 127
on the Yakonan family 134
Hamilton manuscript cited 54
Hanega, population 87
Hano pueblo, Tusayan 123
population 123
Hare tribe, population 55
Harrison, on early Tutelo habitat 114
Haumonte, J. D., on the Taensa 96
Havasupai habitat and population 138
Hayden, Ferdinand V., linguistic literature 20
Haynarger vocabulary cited 54
Henshaw, H. W., Chumashan researches of 68
Costanoan researches of 70
Esselenian investigations of 76
Moquelumnan researches of 93
Salinan researches of 101
on Salinan population 102
on population of Cayuse 128
acknowledgments to 142
synonomy of tribes by 142
Heshotatsina, a Zuni village 139
Hewitt, J. N. B., on the derivation of “Iroquois” 77
Hidatsa population 118
Hoh, population and habitat 63
Holm, G., Greenland Eskimo 72
on East Greenland Eskimo population 75
Hoodsunu, population 87
Hoquiam, population 105
Hospitality of American Indians, source of 34
Howe, George, on early habitat of the Cherokee 78
Hudson Bay, Eskimo of 73
Humptulip, population 105
Hunah, population 87
Hunting claims 42, 43
Hupa, population of 56