Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 242 pages of information about Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico.

Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 242 pages of information about Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico.
  extent of practice of, by Indian tribes 42
Aht division of Wakashan family 129, 130
Ahtena tribe of Copper River 53
  population 55
Ai-yan, population 55
Akansa, or Quapaw tribe 113
Akoklako, or Lower Cootenai 85
Aleutian Islanders belong to Eskimauan family 73
  population 75
Algonquian family 47-51
  list of tribes 48
  population 48
  habitat of certain western tribes of 113
Alibamu, habitat and population 95
Alsea, habitat 134
Al-ta-tin, population 55
Angel de la Guardia Island, occupied by Yuman tribes 138
Apache, habitat 54
  population 56
Apalaches, supposed by Gallatin to be the Yuchi 126
Apalachi tribe 95
Arapaho, habitat 48, 109
  population 48
Arikara, habitat 60
  population 62
Assinaboin, habitat 115
  population 117
Atfalati, population 82
Athapascan family 51-56
Atnah tribe, considered distinct from Salish by Gallatin 103
Attacapan family 56-57
Attakapa language reputed to be spoken by the Karankawa 82
Auk, population 87

Baffin Land, Eskimo population 75
Bancroft, George, linguistic literature 13
  cited on Cherokee habitat 78, 79
Bancroft, Hubert H., linguistic literature 24
Bandelier, A. F., on the Keres 83
Bannock, former habitat 108

Project Gutenberg
Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.