RELIGION, MAGIC, FOLK-LORE.—J.G. Frazer, The Golden Bough* (3rd edit.); E.S. Hartland, The Legend of Perseus (esp. vol. ii); A. Lang, Myth, Ritual and Religion,* The Making of Religion, etc.; W. Robertson Smith, Early Religion of the Semites*; F.B. Jevons, A.C. Crawley, D.G. Brinton, G.L. Gomme, L.R. Farnell, R.R. Marett, etc.
MORALS.—E. Westermarck, Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas*; E.B. Tylor, Contemp. Rev. xxi-ii; L.T. Hobhouse, Morals in Evolution; A. Sutherland, Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct.
MISCELLANEOUS.—Language: E.J. Payne, History of the New World called America,* vol. ii. Art: Y. Hirn, Origins of Art.* Economics: P.J.H. Grierson, The Silent Trade.
AUSTRALIA.—B. Spencer and F.J. Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia,* Northern Tribes of Central Australia; A.W. Howitt, Native Tribes of South-east Australia*; J. Woods (and others), Native Tribes of South Australia; L. Fison and A.W. Howitt, Kamilaroi and Kurnai; H. Ling Roth, Aborigines of Tasmania.
The Melanesians*; B.H.
Thompson, The Fijians; A.C. Haddon (and
others), Report of
Cambridge Expedition to Torres Straits; C.G.
Seligmann (for New
Guinea); G. Turner, W. Ellis, E. Shortland, R. Taylor
(for Polynesia);
A.R. Wallace, Malay Archipelago; C. Hose
and W. McDougall (for
ASIA.—J.J.M. de Groot, The Religious System of China; W.H.R. Rivers, The Todas*; and a host of other good authorities for India, e.g. Sir H.H. Risley, E. Thurston, W. Crooke, T.C. Hodson, P.R.T. Gurdon, C.G. and B.Z. Seligmann (Veddas of Ceylon); E.H. Man, Journ. R. Anthrop. Instit. xii (Andamanese); W. Skeat (for Malay Peninsula).
AFRICA.—South: H. Callaway, E. Casalis, J. Maclean, D. Kidd. East: A.C. Hollis, J. Roscoe, W.S. and K. Routledge, A. Werner. West: M.H. Kingsley, A.B. Ellis. Madagascar: W. Ellis.
AMERICA.—A vast number of important works, see esp. Smithsonian Institution, Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology (J.W. Powell, F. Boas, F. Cushing, A.C. Fletcher, M.C. Stevenson, J.R. Swanton, C. Mindeleff, S. Powers, J. Mooney, J.O. Dorsey, W.J. Hoffman, W.J. McGee, etc.); L.H. Morgan (on Iroquois), J. Teit, C. Hill Tout; C. Lumholtz, Unknown Mexico; Sir E. im Thurn, Among the Indians of Guiana.
EUROPE.—Ancient: L.R. Farnell, Cults of the Greek States; J.E. Harrison, Prolegomena to Greek Religion; W. Warde Fowler, Religious Experience of the Roman People; Anthropology and the Classics, etc. Modern: G.F. Abbott, C. Lawson (to compare modern with ancient), Folk-lore Society’s Publications, etc.