The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 498 pages of information about The Odyssey.
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The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 498 pages of information about The Odyssey.
even hereafter be craven or witless, nor hath the wisdom of Odysseus failed thee quite, so is there good hope of thine accomplishing this work.  Wherefore now take no heed of the counsel or the purpose of the senseless wooers, for they are in no way wise or just:  neither know they aught of death and of black fate, which already is close upon them, that they are all to perish in one day.  But the voyage on which thy heart is set shall not long be lacking to thee—­so faithful a friend of thy father am I, who will furnish thee a swift ship and myself be thy companion.  But go thou to the house, and consort with the wooers, and make ready corn, and bestow all in vessels, the wine in jars and barley-flour, the marrow of men, in well-sewn skins; and I will lightly gather in the township a crew that offer themselves willingly.  There are many ships, new and old, in seagirt Ithaca; of these I will choose out the best for thee, and we will quickly rig her and launch her on the broad deep.’

So spake Athene, daughter of Zeus, and Telemachus made no long tarrying, when he had heard the voice of the goddess.  He went on his way towards the house, heavy at heart, and there he found the noble wooers in the halls, flaying goats and singeing swine in the court.  And Antinous laughed out and went straight to Telemachus, and clasped his hand and spake and hailed him: 

’Telemachus, proud of speech and unrestrained in fury, let no evil word any more be in thy heart, nor evil work, but let me see thee eat and drink as of old.  And the Achaeans will make thee ready all things without fail, a ship and chosen oarsmen, that thou mayest come the quicker to fair Pylos, to seek tidings of thy noble father.’

Then wise Telemachus answered him, saying, ’Antinous, in no wise in your proud company can I sup in peace, and make merry with a quiet mind.  Is it a little thing, ye wooers, that in time past ye wasted many good things of my getting, while as yet I was a child?  But now that I am a man grown, and learn the story from the lips of others, and my spirit waxeth within me, I will seek to let loose upon you evil fates, as I may, going either to Pylos for help, or abiding here in this township.  Yea, I will go, nor vain shall the voyage be whereof I speak; a passenger on another’s ship go I, for I am not to have a ship nor oarsmen of mine own; so in your wisdom ye have thought it for the better.’

He spake and snatched his hand from out the hand of Antinous, lightly, and all the while the wooers were busy feasting through the house; and they mocked him and sharply taunted him, and thus would some proud youth speak: 

’In very truth Telemachus planneth our destruction.  He will bring a rescue either from sandy Pylos, or even it may be from Sparta, so terribly is he set on slaying us.  Or else he will go to Ephyra, a fruitful land, to fetch a poisonous drug that he may cast it into the bowl and make an end of all of us.’

Project Gutenberg
The Odyssey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.