An Exposition of the Last Psalme eBook

John Boys
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 36 pages of information about An Exposition of the Last Psalme.

An Exposition of the Last Psalme eBook

John Boys
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 36 pages of information about An Exposition of the Last Psalme.
house in the multitude of thy mercies, and in thy feare will I worship toward thine holy temple, saith our Prophet, Psal. 5. 7.  The Publican and the Pharisie went into the temple to pray, Luke 18. Peter and Iohn went vp together into the temple at the ninth houre of prayer, Acts 3. Anna fasted and prayed in the temple, Luke 2.  This one word, sanctuarie teacheth vs how we should behaue our selues in the Church as in Gods presence:  Doest thou come to that holie place to receiue the blessed Supper of our Lord? remember that the temple is sanctuarium, non promptuarium, a sanctuarie, not a buttrie, [bx]_haue ye not houses to eate and drink in, despise yee the Church of God?_ Doest thou come to pray? [by]_take heede to thy foote when thou entrest into Gods house_, compose thy knees, and eyes, and hands, and heart after such a deuout manner:  as that thou maist not onely praise God vpon the loud cymbals, but (as it is vers. 5.) praise him vpon the well tuned cymbals also.  Doest thou come to heare the sermon? remember that the preaching of the Gospel is [bz]not the word of a mortall man, but the [ca]power of the immortall God vnto saluation:  and albeit the Preacher be neuer so simple, neuer so sinfull; yet the word is holy, the action holy, the time holy, the place holy, ordained by the most holy to make thee holy.  Vpon whatsoeuer occasion thou commest into the Temple, remember alwaies that the ground is holy whereon thou standest, it is a sanctuarie, the habitation of God, and place of his holinesse:  and therefore not to be [cb]prophaned with ordinarie though lawfull worldly businesse, much lesse with vnlawfull pastimes and enterludes, it is a place for praise, not for playes, O praise God in his sanctuarie.

  [Sidenote br:  Luther Vatablus Chald. apud Genebrard english Com.
  dedicated to Mr. Herlakinden.

  [Sidenote bs:  Esay. 56. 7.]

  [Sidenote bt:  Hooker eccles. pol. lib. 5.  Sec.. 24.]

  [Sidenote bu:  Mark 11. 7.  Luke 19. 46.  Matth. 21. 13.]

  [Sidenote bx:  1.  Cor. 11. 22.]

  [Sidenote by:  Ecclesiastes 4. 17.]

  [Sidenote bz:  1.  Thess. 2. 13.]

  [Sidenote ca:  Rom. 1. 6.]

  [Sidenote cb:  Canon 88.]

Or (as [cc]_Martine Luther_ interprets it) praise God in his sanctuarie, that is, for his sanctuarie, for [cd]shewing his word vnto Iacob, his statutes and ordinances vnto Israel, for his adoption, and his couenants, and his promises, and his seruice, Rom. 9. 4.  O praise the Lord for his [ce]true Church established for the present among the Iewes, and hereafter in the fulnesse of time to be constituted among Christians vntill the worlds end.  For this clause may bee construed of the mysticall heauen and temple, so well as of the materiall

Project Gutenberg
An Exposition of the Last Psalme from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.