An Exposition of the Last Psalme eBook

John Boys
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 36 pages of information about An Exposition of the Last Psalme.

An Exposition of the Last Psalme eBook

John Boys
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 36 pages of information about An Exposition of the Last Psalme.
among your good workes:  there haue bin Lotteries to further Virginean enterprises, and these (for any thing I know) were good workes also:  there haue been many new play-houses, and one faire Burse lately built; Paris-garden in a flourishing estate makes a great noyse still, and as I heare Charing Crosse shall haue a new coat too:  but in the meane time while so many monuments are raised, either to the honour of the dead, or else for the profit and pleasure of the lyuing:  Dic mihi musa virum, I pray Muse and shew me the man, who ioynes with that euer zealous, reuerend, learned Deane in founding a Colledge for a Societie of writers against the superstitious Idolatries of the Romane Synagogue, the which happily might be like the [ec]Tower of Dauid, where the strong men of Israel might haue shieldes and targets to fight the Lords battaile:  [ed]_Is it time for your selues to dwell in your seiled houses, and this house lye wast?_

  [Sidenote eb:  In Psalm. 147.]

  [Sidenote ec:  Cant. 4. 4.]

  [Sidenote ed:  Haggai. 1. 4.]

Remember I beseech you the words of [ee]_Azariah_ vnto King Asa and the men of Iuda, The Lord is with you while you are with him, and if yee seeke him, he will be found of you; but if yee forsake him, he will forsake you.  Benot cold in a good cause, flie not out of the field, play not the cowards in the Lords holie wars; for albeit happily your selues are like for your time to do wel enough in despite of the Diuell, and the Pope his darling:  yet your posteritie will assuredly rue it, and haue iust cause to curse their dastardly, spiritlesse and worthlesse progenitors.  I say no more concerning this point, only I pray with our forefathers in the first English Letany, set out in the dayes of King Henry the 8. from all sedition and priuie conspiracie, from the tyrannie of the Bishop of Rome, and all his detestable enormities, from all false doctrine and heresie, from hardnesse of heart, and contempt of thy word and commandement.

  Good Lord deliuer vs.

  [Sidenote ee:  2.  Chron. 15. 2.]

Where note by the way, that the Popes abominable tyrannie is hedged in (as it were) on the one side with sedition and priuie conspiracy, and on the other side with false doctrine and heresie.  I haue another prayer, and for as much as it is in Latine, I must entreat all such (if any such here be present, who loue Bonauentures psalter and the Romish seruice) to ioyne with vs in this orison. Papa noster qui es Romae maledicetur nomen tuum, intereat regnum tuum, impediatur voluntas tua, sicut in Coelo sic et in terra.  Potum nostrum in Coena dominica da nobis hodie, & remitte nummos nostros quos tibi dedimus ob indulgentias, sicut & nos remittimus tibi indulgentias, & ne nos inducas in haeresin, sed libera nos a miseria, quoniam tuum est infernum, pix & sulphur in secula seculorum.

Project Gutenberg
An Exposition of the Last Psalme from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.