But Dauid [dk]here meaneth especially the valiant acts of God in gouerning & garding his people from their enemies, [dl]O come hither and behold the workes of God, how wonderfull hee is in his doing toward the Children of men, he turned the sea into drye land so that his people went on foot thorough the middest of the sea, the [dm]waters were a wall vnto them on the right hand and on their left; but the waues of the Sea returned and couered the chariots and horsemen euen all the hoast of Pharaoh that pursued them. Almighty God raigned hailstones out of heauen vpon the cursed Amorites at Bethoran, and they were more ([dn]saith the text) that dyed with the haile, then they whom the Children of Israell slew with the sword. And when Duke Iosua prayed, Sunne stay thou in Gibeon, & thou Moone in the valey of Aialon: the Sunne abode and the Moone stood still vntill the people auenged themselues vpon their enemies. When Zenacherib and his innumerous hoast came to fight against Hezekiah King of Iuda, Gods Angell in one night slew an hundred eighty and fiue thousand Assyrians. 2. Kings 19.
[Sidenote dk: Placid. Parmen
and the english Com. dedicated to
M. Herlakinden.]
[Sidenote dl: Psalm. 66. 4.]
[Sidenote dm: Exod. 14. 29.]
[Sidenote dn: Iosua 10.]
And vndoubtedly (beloued) there is no nation vnder the cope of Heauen hath had greater occasion to praise God in this kind then England, the preseruation of the most illustrious princesse the Lady Elizabeth vnder the fiery triall of her vnkind sister Queene Marie was a noble act, and the seminary of much happinesse vnto this kingdome for many yeares after, and so much the more noble because Philip King of Spaine hath often confessed that he spared her life (when wildy Winchester and bloodie Bonner had brought her into the snare) not out of any pietie or pittie, but onely out of policie. Her exaltation to the Crowne was another noble act, so noble that some [do]Popish Prelats in their enuie burst a sunder and dyed for very griefe of heart. Well might that good Lady sing and say with the blessed Virgine, He that is mightie hath magnified me, and holy is his name, he hath put downe the mightie from their seat and hath exalted the humble and meeke: her flourishing in health, wealth, and godlinesse, more then 44. yeares (in despite of all her foes abroad, at home, schismaticall, hereticall, open, intestine) was another noble act: for after once the Bull of Pope Pius Quintus had roared, and his fat Calues had begunne to bellow in this Island: there passed neuer a yeare, neuer a moneth, neuer a weeke (I thinke I might say) neuer a day, neuer an houre, but some mischiefe was intended either against her person or her people: the resisting of the rebellion in the Northerne parts of England, was a