[Sidenote da: Vulgar Latine Castalio.]
[Sidenote db: Pagnin. In fortitudinibus.]
[Sidenote dc: Vatablus Munster.]
[Sidenote dd: Turrecremat. & Raynerius in loc.]
[Sidenote de: Heb. 1. 14.]
Now the workes of God are of two sorts, ad intra & ad extra: some be confined within himselfe, other extended towards vs: works of the sacred Trinitie within it selfe (as that the Father begets, and the Sonne is begotten, and the holy Ghost proceeds from both) are wonderfull acts of such an high nature that it is our dutie rather simply to adore, then subtilly to explore them: all his acts extended toward vs are summarilie reduced vnto two, namely the works of creation and redemption. [df]The worke of creation is attributed in the Masse of the matter to God the Father, in the disposition of the forme to God the Sonne, in the preseruation of both to God the holy Ghost. So likewise that of redemption, in election vnto God the Father, in the consummation vnto God the Sonne, in the application vnto the holy Ghost, all which are very noble acts, and God is to be praised in them according to his excellent greatnesse. The worke of creation is so mightie, that none could bring it to passe but the Father almightie: that God should haue nothing but nothing, whereof, wherewith, whereby to build this high, huge, goodly, faire frame; is a principle which nature cannot teach, and Philosophie will not beleeue. The worke of redemption is of farre greater might and mercy, for the making of the world was (if I may so speke) onely lip-labour vnto God, he spake the word and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast, Psalm. 33. 9. but Christ in redeeming the world said many words, and did many wonders, and suffered also many wounds. It is true that the least ake of his least finger is infiniti meriti, sed non definiti meriti, that is of an infinite merit, yet not that determined ransome for the sinnes of the whole world. It cost him more to redeeme soules, [dg]_he dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification_, hee suffered for vs and that death, and that a violent death, and of all violent deaths the most accursed death on the Crosse.
[Sidenote df: Aduancement of learning lib. 2. pag. 116.]
[Sidenote dg: Rom. 4. 25.]
The worke of sanctification is a noble act also, for euery man if you rightly consider his making is a wonder, I am saith our [dh]Prophet fearfully and wonderfully made: but a good man if you consider his new making is a wonderfull wonder, as [di]_Paul_ speakes a spectacle to men and Angels, as the vulgar Latine runnes in the 68. Psalme, at the last verse, mirabilis deus in sanctis, O God wonderfull art thou in thy Saints.
[Sidenote dh: Psalm. 139. 13.]
[Sidenote di: 1. Cor. 4. 9.]