+Health+ I will forgiue or els I were to blame And I pray you to forgiue me the same I loue you hartly, and wyll prayse your name yf it please youto keepe my company.
¶ Here entreth lyberty with a song & after speaketh
+libert+ Why tary syrs whether are ye
I see well ye looked not for my comming
Loe, out of syght out of remembryng
Absence is cause of straungnes,
What looke ye on werwhy are ye so straunge
From your fellow liberty, doth your minds cha[=u]ge
In your company I was wont to range
What nedes all this busines,
+wealth+ By liberty now I doo not set
Seyng that helth and I am met
As feloweh together no man shall let
Me for to loue hym best.
+liberty.+ Let me heare what ye do say
Then ye are about to cast me away
210 How happes this? mary then
I may Goe pyke strawes and take me rest.
I pray you tell me whom I haue offended
yf I haue made a faute it shalde amended
with so shorte warning let me not be voyded
I crow yet ye do but iest.
+Helth.+ Why do ye make this cauelacion we entende to make no alteracyon welth and I haue had communication He is my freende of olde. 220
+liberty+ What was the matter, I pray you tell
Me thinkes I ought to be of counsel
Or els I promyse you ye doo not well
With you I should beholde.
+Welth.+ The matter is doone we are agreed
To reason it more it shall not neede
O brother helth, thou art in deede
More preciouser than golde.
+liberty.+ Gods bodi how commeth this gere to pas
I am cast out at the cartes arse
The worlde is nothing as it was
For I am here refused
+Health+ Why be you angry that we doo agree
Then are ye not wyse, for ifye loue me
I will loue hym agayne, so it should be
Or els I were mysaduised
+yllibert+ Then of my loue ye set no store
My company I see well ye looked notfore
Farewell I wyll get me out of the doore
yet I am your betters and so am I called.
+wealth+ Such presumptuouse wordes wyll haue a fall your comparyson is but feble and small What can ye do nothyng at all As you haue reputed.
+liberti.+ What were ye both two, were
not I.
Wretches and caytyfes, looke not so hye
Thinke no scorne hardly
For I may be your peare
yf welth haue neuer so much lubstaunce
Lacking Libertye and werr in durance
250 Within a whyce, I am in assurance
ye woulde pray me come nere.
Yf Helth be neuer so lust and stronge
yet if Lyberty were kept from him longe
Then sorow and care wolde be his songe.
yt would abate your cheare.
Fye of welth which lacketh lybertye
Fye of H elth and be in captiuitie
Fye of riches and lack good company
Lyberty hath no pere,