In the last sheet some of the pages are cropt at the foot. In most cases nothing more than the catchword has disappeared, and although between lines 768 and 769 something seems to be lost, it is doubtful whether this is due to the cropping, since D1^v has already one line too many.
The original is printed in the ordinary black letter of the period, of the body known as English (20 ll. = 94 mm.).
Irregular and Doubtful Readings.
Tit. att his 5. tcowe 7. fleepe(?) 13. nof 24.
Weith 25. Iam 27. ofcomparison 29. so (too?)
38. yeth 41. dyspayre (dysprayse) 50. marualufly
52. iu 54. ts 57. stander ... nowe 58. selte 62.
Inlykewise 63. Wh en (?) (no catchword) 66.
desyred 70. thouart 74. answerrd 75. wellh 76.
thou’ fagetyue (or ?tagetyue) 80. Thai
84. benefites 95. welth hatg ... freasure 98. stands
(the ‘s’ doubtful) 100. cempetent 105.
Ye 107. otherwelth 109. Euerywise 110. dtsposicions
127. saue (the ‘e’ doubtful) 134. woth
137. stealeth 144. hit 149. a wreke 150. nf 159.
(no catchword) 164. nhw indifferenily 165. me 168.
Weith 177. tryasure 178. yfthey 191. (no catchword)
195. please youto 197. libert 201. werwhy (me, why?)
207. feloweh 214. shalde 216. crow 224. beholde
(be bolde) 234. wyse (the ‘s’ doubtful)
ifye (if he?)
237. yllibert 238. notfore 249. lubstaunce 250.
werr 251. whyce 253. lust (lusty) 257. lybertye
258. H elth (?) 267. ran 270. loboure 275.
ofliberty ... suter 278. alytle 286. acquanted 289.
Dryue (the ‘y’ doubtful) 290. Wy
ll (?) ... C (I) 294. [H]ealth 306. Christ
312. kindes 315. Arquaintance 318. fo 319.
lybertyeis 320. lyberfye, wili
bebolde (be bolde)
322. Thyrfore 324. lybrtye 328. ano 337. pas