+Remdi+ Forsoth here is not halfe that
I could reherse
The benefits of god that be sheweth to you welth
Consider Englyshmen, how valiant they be & ferce
580 Of al nacions none such, when
they haue their helth No land can do vs harme, but
wyth falsehod or stelth rem[=e]bre what nobre of m[=e],
or artilerie & good ordinace Specially [the] grace
of god, which is our chief forderace
If there be any that wyll grudge, surmyce
or doo
Againe welth, helth & libertie, then must I for [the]
same Shew mine auctorite and power, for to remedy
it so That none of you shall diminishe, nor amisse
be tane
I good remedy therfore may & will speake [with]out
blae For the comen welth, & helth both of the soule
& body 590 [that] is mi office & power,
& therfore I haue my actorite
+wealth+ Our lorde continue ye, & we thanke you hartly Both for your good instruction, and for your kindnes That you intende so wel for vs good remedy when we haue nede we will desyre your goodnes
+Health+ When we be infect in the soule or body Then will I seke good remedy for succour As yet I thanke god I haue no nede greatly yf I haue then wyll I seke to haue your fauour
+liberty+ Syr now we wyl departe hence with your licence 600 For other divers busines that we must haue tohether
+Remdi+ Sirs I am content, now when ye wyll depart To god I commyt you I wyll not make you tary But yet I pray with all my minde and heart Take hede in any wise exchewe yl & shrewd compani yf a ma be neuer soo good & vse [with] th[=e] [that] be vnthrifti He shal lese his name, & to some vice they wil him t[=e]p therfore beware of such people, & from th[=e] be exempt
+Health+ yes yes I warrant you of sach I wyll beware. Farewel good remedy & wel to fare. & goth out 610
+Remdi+ I pray god be your spede & preserue you fro paine it is mi mind ye shold prosper I wold haue it so fain.
+Wyll.+ Here is none of our acquainta[=u]ce wil retourneth we haue made to longe tariaunce that wyll ye say perchaunce And they begone home come away apare
+Wytte.+ Nay by god not so hastie
A lytle whyle we wyll larye
Good euen syr to you mary
Dwell ye in this place?
+Remdi+ Nay good fellowe I dwel not heare
Wherefore doest thou chat inquire:
Woldest thou ought with any heare
Speake be not afryde
+Wyll.+ By God I would I had your gowne
And were a myle without the towne
Theron & woulde borowe a crowne
It is I that so sayde
+Wytte.+ Hew lookest thou one him halfe a scorne I p=omise you he is a scant gentylman borne 630 What sstyest thou in his face
+Remdi+ For somwhat in his face I lok e
In dede his mastership standes a crooke
For false shrewes both of you I tooke
And chyldren that be past grace.