The Interlude of Wealth and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about The Interlude of Wealth and Health.

The Interlude of Wealth and Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about The Interlude of Wealth and Health.

+wytte.+ So am I to this maketh me very sadde Yet oftentymes I haue bene harde bestadde Now [that] I am warned of him I am very glad Sum crafty wyle for him shalbe hade 460

+Wyll.+ Peace no mo wordes but mum
My think I heare mast welth cum
Knele downe and say sum deuout orison
That they may heare vs pray
Now Iesu saue Welth, Helth, and Lybertie.

      Liberty and helth returneth back with welth

+Wealth+ Syrs you shall haue both gods blessing So are ye worth for your praying ye are wel disposed and of good liuing I wyll loue you the berter alway 470

+Wyll.+ Sir this do we vse euery day
For welth helth and liberty to pray
This same is my brother, to you I mayay
He is an hard honest man.

+wytte.+ Forsoth mayster I am his vrother
To be your seruant, was my c[=u]ming hether
As longe as we two be to gether
ye shall not peryshe than

+Health+ To haue you both in seruyce I am content
How say you libertie wil you therto consent 480
Wyll and wit, god hath vs lent
We may be glade of them

+liberti.+ Yf we sholde refuse wyl and wyt we were to blame for they be fyt Therfore by my wel they shal not slye They be welcome to me,

+Wyll.+ God thanke you maisters all three ye shal finde vs pore but true we cannot be My tonge stombles, I cry you mercy We wyll be true I should say, 490

+wealth+ Syrs go your way home vnto one place
And we wyl hye vs after apace
And when we come we shall set you in case
To haue a lyuing alway.

+Health+ Then loke ye do both truely and iust
For we must put you in great trust
All our houshoulde guide ye must
Behaue you selfe well.

+wytte+ Maisters feare not for I haue wit inough
To beguyle my selfe, and to beguyle you 500
I haue vegyled many one I may say to you
I pray you kepe that in councelll

+liberty.+ Beware of that, what doth he say? 
Beguyle vs all, yet I charge ye nay
Ye shall not beguile vs yf I may
I wyl beware betyme.

+Wyll.+ Syr be not angry I you praye fhe foole woteth not he doth say He meneth chat he wil be profitable alw ay And saue you many thinges. 510

+Health+ What he meaneth I cannot tell
But his saying is not well
Depart hence syrs by my councell
And tary vs at our lodging.

+wytte.+ ¶ Now and it please ye, wyll ye here any synging Therein I tell you I am somwhat connyng ye shall heare and ye list.

  +liberty+ Syr I pray you sing and ye can

  +wyll.+ Now wil I begin like a lusty bloud tha. thei sing & go out
  Sirs now go your way of you I am glad 520
As of any seruauntes that euer I had For these can do both good and bad
We must needes haue such men
  What were we yf we lacked wyll: 
And without wyt we shoulde lyue yll
Therfore wyll and wit I wyll kepe styll. 
  I promise you I loue them

Project Gutenberg
The Interlude of Wealth and Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.