26.—Personal and article pronouns—Transitive verbs 200
27.—Possession 206
28.—Intransitive verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions,
and nouns used as verbs 210
29.—Voice, mode and tense 221
30.—Additional investigations suggested 228
Experience had demonstrated the propriety of some changes in the alphabet and a considerable enlargement of the scheme as given in the first edition of the work, and in the second Major Powell has made many modifications. The schedule of relationship was so large that graphic representation was considered necessary, and charts were prepared which it was thought both the student and the Indian could follow it with comparative ease. Experience has shown that the idea was well founded.
As in the first edition, blank spaces were given after each schedule for such additions as might suggest themselves to the collector; and to further facilitate the work separate alphabet cards of convenient size accompanied the volume.
This publication has not been long enough in the hands of collectors to meet with great returns, though a sufficient number have been received, filled or partly filled, to justify the Bureau in anticipating, in the not distant future, the receipt of a body of material prepared according to scientific methods which, when published, will prove a valuable contribution to this branch of ethnologic research.
=Abbott= (G.H.). Vocabulary of the Coquille;
180 words.
3 ll. folio.
Collected in 1858, at the Silets Indian Agency.
=Anderson= (Alexander C.). Concordance of the
Athabascan Languages, with
12 ll. folio.
Comparative vocabulary of 180 words of the
following dialects:
Chipwyan, Tacully, Klatskanai, Willopah, Upper
Umpqua, Tootooten, Applegate
Creek, Hopah Haynarger.
—— Notes on the Indians of the Northwest
12 ll. folio.
—— Vocabulary of the Klatskanai
Dialect of the Tahculli, Athabasca;
180 words.
3 ll. folio.
=Arny= (Gov. W.F.M.). Vocabulary of the
Navajo Indians.
10 ll. 4^o.
On Smithsonian form. Collected in 1874. Governor
was assisted by Prof.
Valentine Friese and Rev. W.B. Forrey.
=Arroyo de la Cuesta= (P. Felipe). Idiomas
32 pp. folio.
This manuscript, containing 12 short vocabularies,
was copied from the
original in Santa Barbara, Cal., by Mr. E.T.
Murray. The following
are the vocabularies: Esselen, or
San Antonio y San Miguel; San Luis Obispo;
Nopthrinthres of San
Juan Baptista—Yokuts; Canal de Santa Barbara;
San Luis Rey; Karkin—Mutsun;
Tuichun—Mutsun(?); Saclan;
Hluimen, or Uhimen—Mutsun; Lathruunun—Yokuts.