—— Linguistic Material of the Winnebago
75 pp. folio
and 2,100 slips. Consists of a letter, grammatic
notes, and dictionary
of 2,000 words.
—— Kansas and Omaha Words and Phrases.
5 pp. folio.
=Eels= (Rev. Myron). Words, Phrases, and
Sentences in Chemakum.
37 ll. 4^o.
In Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 1st
ed. Collected at
the Skokomish Reservation, Washington Territory,
—— Words, Phrases, and Sentences
in the S’klallam or Sclallam.
52 ll. 4^o.
In Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 1st
ed., complete.
Collected at the Skokomish Reservation in 1878.
Includes plural forms
and possessive cases of nouns and pronouns
and the partial conjugation
of the verb “to eat”.
—— Words, Phrases, and Sentences
in the Skwaksin Dialect of the
Niskwalli Language.
52 ll. 4^o.
In Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 1st
ed., complete.
Collected in 1878. Includes plural forms, possessive
cases and diminutives
of nouns, comparison of adjectives, cases of
pronouns, and partial
conjugation of the verbs “to eat” and “to
—— Words, Phrases, and Sentences
in the Twana Language.
52 ll. 4^o.
In Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 1st
ed., complete.
Collected in 1878. Includes plural forms, possessive
cases and gender of
nouns, comparison of adjectives, possessive
case of pronouns, and
partial conjugation of the verbs “to eat”
“to drink”.
=Eskimo.= Vocabularies (60 words each) of the Asiagmut,
of Norton Bay;
Kuskokvims, of Norton
Bay; of the Indians near Mount St. Elias; of
Kadiak Island; and of
the Indians of Bristol Bay.
5 ll. folio.
=Euphrasia= (Sister M.). Exercises in
the Papago Language, by Sister M.
Euphrasia, St. Xavier’s
Convent, Arizona.
6 ll. folio.
Twenty-seven exercises, and phrases and sentences.
=Everett= (William E.). Vocabulary of the Sioux,
alphabetically arranged;
by Will. E. Everett,
Government Scout.
91 pp. folio.
=Flachenecker= (Rev. George). Notes on
the Shyenne Language, by Rev.
Geo. Flachenecker, Lutheran
Missionary, Deer Creek, Nebraska,
September, 1862.
7 pp. folio.
=Fletcher= (Robert H.). Vocabulary of the Nez
10 ll. folio.
On Smithsonian form. Collected in 1873 in Idaho.
=Fuertes= (E.A.). Vocabularies of the Chimalapa,
or Zoque; Guichicovian,
or Mixe; Zapoteco; and
Maya; 200 words each.
17 ll. 4^o.
In parallel columns, accompanied by grammatic notes.
=Gabb= (Dr. William M.). Vocabularies
of the Cochimi and Kiliwee; 211
words each.
10 ll. 4^o.
On Smithsonian form. Collected April, 1867.
Cochimi vocabulary collected
in the center of the peninsula of
Lower California, in
the vicinity of San Borja and Santa Gertrude;
the Kiliwee 150 miles
farther north.