=Azpell= (Assist. Surg. Thos. F.).
Vocabulary of the Hoopa, and
Klamath; 200 words each.
10 ll. 4^o.
On Smithsonian form. Collected in California in
=Baer= (John). Vocabularies of the Yerigen (Tchuktchi),
250 words; and of
the Chaklock, 100 words.
10 ll. folio.
Mr. Baer accompanied the Rogers Ex. Ex. The
words were collected
in Glasenep Harbor, Straits of Seniavine, west
side of Behring Straits.
The Chaklock words from the inhabitants of
the island of Chaklock,
about two miles to the southward.
=Balitz= (Antoine). Vocabulary of the Aleuts;
211 words.
10 ll. 4^o.
On Smithsonian form. Collected in the Aleutian
Islands in 1868.
=Ballou= (E.). Words, Phrases, and Sentences
in the Shoshone Language.
162 pp.
4^o. In Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages,
ed. Collected at
the Shoshone and Bannock Agency, Wyoming
Territory, 1880-1881.
None of the schedules are neglected, and many
are filled and additions
made. Mr. Ballou has added much to the
value of his manuscript
by copious ethnologic notes.
=Bannister= (Henry M.). Vocabulary of the Malimoot,
Kotzebue Sound; 200
10 ll. 4^o.
On Smithsonian form.
=Barnhardt= (W.H.). Comparative Vocabulary of
the Languages spoken by the
Umpqua, Lower Rogue
River, and Calapooa Indians; 160 words.
4 ll. folio.
=Barnhart= (—.). Vocabulary of the Kalapuya;
211 words.
6 ll. folio.
On Smithsonian form.
—— Vocabulary of the Lower Rogue
River Indians; 211 words.
6 ll. folio.
On Smithsonian form.
=Barker= (J.C.). Vocabulary of the Indians of
Santa Tomas Mission, Lower
California; 150 words.
10 ll. 4^o.
On Smithsonian form. Collected in 1876.
=Bartlett= (John Russell). Vocabularies of the
Cahita, Opate, and
Tarahumara; 200 words
7 ll. folio.
—— Vocabulary of the Ceris; 180
6 ll. folio.
Taken by Mr. Bartlett from Hermosillo, a native,
January, 1852.
—— Vocabulary of the Cochimi; 180
6 ll. folio.
—— Vocabulary of the Coco Maricopa;
180 words.
6 ll. folio.
—— Vocabulary of the Coppermine
Apaches; 150 words.
6 ll. folio.
Obtained by Mr. Bartlett from Mancus Colorado, a
chief of the Coppermine
Apaches, July, 1851.
—— Vocabulary of the Diegeno; 150
6 ll. folio.
—— Vocabulary of the Dieguina; 180
6 ll. folio.
These Indians resided for 20 miles along the coast
in the neighborhood
of San Diego.
—— Vocabulary of the Hum-mock-a-ha-vi;
180 words.
6 ll. folio.
—— Vocabulary of the Kioway; 200
6 ll. folio.
On Smithonian form. Collected from Esteban, a
Mexican in the service
of the Mexican Boundary Commission, who had
been a captain seven
years among the Comanches and Kioways in