Added Upon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 209 pages of information about Added Upon.

Added Upon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 209 pages of information about Added Upon.

“’No; you did not love me.  Love is pure—­made purer by sorrow.  Had you truly loved, you would not have sinned so grievously.  Your sorrow needed to be repented of.  Sorrow cannot be drowned in sin—­no, no; go away.  Please go; you frighten me.’

“The man stood rigid for some time, and the expression on his face was something terrible to see.  The cold, clear truth had for the first time burst upon him to his convincing.  He had a ’bright recollection of all his guilt,’ and his torment was ‘as a lake of fire and brimstone.’  The woman, recovering somewhat from her fright, stood before him with innocent, clear-shining eyes, with half pity and half fear showing in her beautiful countenance—­for the woman was beautiful.  The man stood for a moment, which seemed a long time to all who witnessed the scene, then his head dropped, his form seemed to shrivel up as he slouched out of our company and disappeared from sight.”

There was silence.  Then Rupert added, “And yet some people tried to make us believe that there is no hell.”

Rachel, even, forgot to ask further questions regarding the identity of the woman with hazel eyes and auburn hair, for just then Henrik and Marie appeared.  With them was another woman, and the three were so preoccupied that they were oblivious to all others.

“You are too late for the meeting,” said Rupert.

“I did intend to get there in time,” replied Henrik, “but don’t you see who is here?”

Rupert did not recognize the woman who stood by Marie with arms about each other, but Signe cried in joyous greeting, “Clara, Clara, is that you?”

“This is Clara,” said Marie to Rupert, “she who came to Henrik after I left him,—­who helped him so much, and who was so good to my children.  She has just come, and has brought us much good news from them.  I am so glad.”  Marie’s arm drew tight around the newcomer as she kissed her cheek.

“I, also, am glad to welcome you,” said Rupert.  “Brother Henrik,” he added, “your excuse for non-attendance at our meeting is accepted.”


  “The Lord ... will fulfill the desire of them that fear him;
  he will also hear their cry.”—­Psalms 156:19.

Rachel found continual delight in all the wonders of spirit-land.  Her circle of acquaintances enlarged rapidly, as those for whom she had done temple work were glad to know her, and to know her was to love her.  These brought her in touch with many others; thus her sphere of usefulness extended until she, too, could say that she was busier than ever in joy-giving activities.

Sometimes Rachel went on what she called “excursions of exploration.”  Usually she went alone, for the habit of doing things of herself still clung to her.  Frequently, in the throngs of people with whom she mingled, she was accosted by someone who recognized her.  Rachel did not remember faces easily, but (she was on one of her excursions) she knew this woman who touched her on the arm, and said: 

Project Gutenberg
Added Upon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.