Added Upon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 209 pages of information about Added Upon.

Added Upon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 209 pages of information about Added Upon.

It was no new doctrine to them, but they loved to dwell upon the glorious theme.

“We have been taught that we shall get that position to which our preparation here entitles us.  Existence is eternal, and its various stages grade naturally into one another, like the different departments of a school.”

“Some have been ordained to certain positions of trust.  Father knows us all, and understands what we will do.  Many of our mighty ones have already gone, and many are yet with us awaiting Father’s will.”

“I was once quite impatient.  Everything seemed to pass so slowly, I thought; but now I see in it the wisdom of the Father.  What confusion would result if too many went to the earth-life at once.  The experience of those who go before are for our better reception.”

“Sardus,” said Homan, “I hear that you are taking great delight in music.”

“That is expressing the truth mildly, dear Homan.  Lately I can think of nothing else.”

“What is your opinion of a person being so carried away with one subject?” asked one.

“I was going to say,” answered Homan, “that I think there is danger in it.  Some I know who neglect every other duty except the cultivation of a certain gift.  I think we ought to grow into a perfectly rounded character, cultivating all of Father’s gifts to us, but not permitting any of them to become an object of worship.”

“Remember, we take with us our various traits,” said Delsa.  “I think, Homan, your view is correct.  It is well enough to excel in one thing, but that should not endanger our harmonious development.”

“I have noticed, Delsa, that you are quite an adept at depicting the beautiful in Father’s creations.”

“I?” she asked; “there is no danger of my becoming a genius in that line.  I do not care enough for it, though I do a little of it.”

Thus they conversed; then they sang songs.  Tunes born of heavenly melody thrilled them.  After a time they separated, and Homan would have gone his way alone, but Delsa touched him on the arm.

“Homan, there is something I wish to tell you,” she said.  “May I walk with you?”

“Instead I will go with you,” he replied.

They went on together.

“I, too, soon am going to earth,” she said.

“Is it true?”

“Yes; Mother has informed me and I have been preparing for some time.  Dear Homan, I am so glad, still the strange uncertainty casts a peculiar feeling over me.  Oh, if we could but be classmates in the future school.”

“Father may order it that way,” he replied.  “He knows our desires, and if they are righteous and for our good He may see that they are gratified.  Do you go soon?”

“Yes; but not so soon as you.  You will go before and prepare a welcome for me.  Then I will come.”  She smiled up into his face.

“By faith we see afar,” he replied.

“Yes; we live by faith,” she added.

Project Gutenberg
Added Upon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.