Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428.

Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428.

The apartment in which this little scene occurred, was on the attic storey of a mean house, situated in one of the narrow courts or alleys betwixt the Strand and Drury Lane.  The furniture it contained was of the poorest description; the cracked window-panes were coated with dust; and the scanty fire in the grate, although the evening was cold enough to make a large one desirable—­all combined to testify to the poverty of the inhabitants.  It was a sorry retreat for declining years and sickness, and a sad and cheerless home for the fresh cheek and glad hopes of youth; and all the worse, that neither father nor daughter was ‘to the manner born;’ for poor John Glegg had, as he said, had plenty of guineas in his time; at least, what should have been plenty, had they been wisely husbanded.  But John, to describe the thing as he saw it himself, had always ‘had luck against him.’  It did not signify what he undertook, his undertakings invariably turned out ill.

He was born in Scotland, and had passed a great portion of his life there; but, unfortunately for him, he had no Scotch blood in his veins, or he might have been blessed with some small modicum of the caution for which that nation is said to be distinguished.  His father had been a cooper, and when quite a young man, John had succeeded to a well-established business in Aberdeen.  His principal commerce consisted in furnishing the retail-dealers with casks, wherein to pack their dried fish; but partly from good-nature, and partly from indolence, he allowed them to run such long accounts, that they were apt to overlook the debt altogether in their calculations, and to take refuge in bankruptcy when the demand was pressed and the supply of goods withheld—­his negligence thus proving, in its results, as injurious to them as to himself.  Five hundred pounds embarked in a scheme projected by a too sanguine friend, for establishing a local newspaper, which ‘died ere it was born;’ and a fire, occurring at a time that John had omitted to renew his insurance, had seriously damaged his resources, when some matter of business having taken him to the Isle of Man, he was agreeably surprised to find that his branch of trade, which had of late years been alarmingly declining in Aberdeen, was there in the most flourishing condition.  Delighted with the prospect this state of affairs opened, and eager to quit the spot where misfortune had so unrelentingly pursued him, John, having first secured a house at Ramsay, returned to fetch his wife, children, and merchandise, to this new home.  Having freighted a small vessel for their conveyance, he expected to be deposited at his own door; but he had unhappily forgotten to ascertain the character of the captain, who, under pretence that, if he entered the harbour, he should probably be wind-bound for several weeks, persuaded them to go ashore in a small boat, promising to lie to till they had landed their goods; but the boat had no sooner returned to the ship, than, spreading his sails to the wind, he was soon out of sight, leaving John and his family on the beach, with—­to recur to his own phraseology—­’nothing but what they stood up in.’

Project Gutenberg
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.