Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428.

Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 76 pages of information about Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428.
presence of the great; in the East, they uncover the feet.  Fashions are local.  When the Scotch do not shut the door, they act conscientiously, according to ancient national usage.  We may be certain that they have deliberately, arithmetically, and cautiously, weighed the question of shutting in its various and delicate bearings; and arrived at the clear conviction that, all things considered, it would be better not to shut!

Of course, the Scotch having, by innate logic, attained to a principle, they adhere to it as a thing which neither argument nor raillery can upset.  They have very properly resolved not to be reasoned, nor laughed, nor cudgelled out of their opinion.  The door ought not to be shut!  That is a truth as effectually demonstrated as any truth in mathematics; and such being the case, they will die rather than yield the point.  Let it be understood, therefore, that in these observations we aim not in the slightest degree at proselytising our northern friends.  They are a nation of anti-door-shutters, and that, on principle, they will remain to the end of the chapter.

It may, at the same time, be mentioned, that this acute people have no special objection to seeing a door shut, provided anybody else does it.  Their principles apply only to shutting by their own hand.  What might be very wrong in them, while quitting an apartment, would be proper enough for him who remains.  He may rise and shut the door, if he feels inclined.  It is his affair.  Strictly speaking, he should appreciate the delicacy of feeling which has gracefully left the performance of this simple act to his own discretion.  Yes, it is in this fine instance of steady principle that we see a discrimination of politeness exquisitely ingenious and beautiful.  The English have the reputation of being a blunt, downright people; and their practice of shutting the door after them makes it certain they are so.  When they draw to the door, turn the handle, and hear the latch click, they as good as say:  ’There, the door is shut; the thing is done.  I leave no doubt on the subject; I care not what you think of me; I have done my duty.’  This is England all over—­great, uncalculating, independent-minded England!  The Scotch almost pity this daring recklessness of character.  They are astonished at its boldness.  It is action resting on no proper grounds.  How differently they proceed!  Treating it as belonging to the science of numbers, the following becomes the method of stating the question:—­

Given that there is a door which may or may not be shut on quitting an apartment, let it be shewn by the rules of arithmetic whether it would be preferable to shut the said door or leave it open.  Write down, first, the arguments for not shutting, according to their supposed value; then do the same for the arguments per contra; lastly, sum up both, and strike the balance.  Thus—­


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Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 428 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.