Finished eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Finished.

Finished eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Finished.

Learning that I had come from Zululand and was acquainted with the Zulus, he at once began to cross-examine me about Matshana, a chief of whom he seemed to know very little indeed.  I told him what I could, which was not much, and before I could give him any information of real importance, was shown out and most hospitably entertained at luncheon, a meal of which I partook with gratitude in some garments that I had borrowed from one of the officers, while my own were set in the sun to dry.  Well can I recall how much I enjoyed the first whisky and soda that I had tasted since I left “the Temple,” and the good English food by which it was accompanied.

Presently I remembered Kaatje, whom I had left outside with some native women, and went to see what had happened to her.  I found her finishing a hearty meal and engaged in conversation with a young gentleman who was writing in a notebook.  Afterwards I discovered that he was a newspaper correspondent.  What she told him and what he imagined, I do not know, but I may as well state the results at once.  Within a few days there appeared in one of the Natal papers and, for aught I know, all over the earth, an announcement that Mr. Allan Quatermain, a well-known hunter in Zululand, after many adventures, had escaped from that country, “together with his favourite native wife, the only survivor of his extensive domestic establishment.”  Then followed some wild details as to the murder of my other wives by a Zulu wizard called “Road Mender, or Sick Ass” (i.e., Opener of Roads, or Zikali), and so on.

I was furious and interviewed the editor, a mild and apologetic little man, who assured me that the despatch was printed exactly as it had been received, as though that bettered the case.  After this I commenced an action for libel, but as I was absent through circumstances over which I had no control when it came on for trial, the case was dismissed.  I suppose the truth was that they mixed me up with a certain well-known white man in Zululand, who had a large “domestic establishment,” but however this may be, it was a long while before I heard the last of that “favourite native wife.”

Later in the day I and Kaatje, who stuck to me like a burr, departed from the camp.

The rest of our journey was uneventful, except for more misunderstandings about Kaatje, one of which, wherein a clergyman was concerned, was too painful to relate.  At last we reached Maritzburg, where I deposited Kaatje in a boarding-house kept by another half-cast, and with a sigh of relief betook myself to the Plough Hotel, which was a long way off her.

Subsequently she obtained a place as a cook at Howick, and for a while I saw her no more.

At Maritzburg, as in duty bound, I called upon various persons in authority and delivered Cetewayo’s message, leaving out all Zikali’s witchcraft which would have sounded absurd.  It did not produce much impression as, hostilities having already occurred, it was superfluous.  Also no one was inclined to pay attention to the words of one who was neither an official nor a military officer, but a mere hunter supposed to have brought a native wife out of Zululand.

Project Gutenberg
Finished from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.