A School History of the Great War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about A School History of the Great War.

A School History of the Great War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about A School History of the Great War.
  before the war, 21-23;
  colonies, 11, 22, 105;
  danger from Germany, 32, 37;
  Triple Entente, 58;
  efforts for peace, 72-73;
  enters the war, 74-75;
  army in France, 79-82, 95, 108-109, 118-119, 141-149;
  in Africa, 90;
  navy, 91-94;
  in Gallipoli, 96;
  in Mesopotamia, 111-112, 125;
  conscription, 116;
  in Palestine, 125-126, 148. 
Great War,
  causes, 5, 27, 34, 48, 67;
  declarations, 73;
  in 1914, 77;
  in 1915, 95;
  in 1916, 107;
  in 1917, 118;
  in 1918, 135;
  United States in, 130-133, 152;
  peace problems, 168. 
  before the war, 23-24, 59-65;
  Balkan wars, 64-65;
  in the Great War, 98, 147. 
Greeks, 62. 
Grey, Sir Edward, 72. 
Guynemer, French airman, 119.

Hague Conferences, 41-46. 
Hague Conventions, 45. 
Hague Peace Tribunal, 43-44. 
Helgoland Bight, battle, 92. 
Herzegovina, 69. 
Hindenburg, von, General, 85, 97. 
Hindenburg line, 118, 149. 
Holy Allies, 8, 9. 
Hungary, 15-16;
  see Austria-Hungary.

Indemnity, 27, 29. 
Industrial development of Europe, 9. 
International law, 38-40, 45. 
Ireland, rebellion in, 116-117. 
Isonzo River, 114. 
Italia Irredenta; Wilson on. 
  before the war, 17-18;
  in Triple Alliance, 57;
  refuses to support Austria against Serbia, 69;
  neutral, 75;
  in the war, 99, 114, 127-128, 147, 149.

Japan, in the war, 89-90, 140. 
Jerusalem, captured, 126. 
Joffre, General, 81. 
Jugo-Slavs, 61, 69-70. 
Junkers, 14, 30-31. 
Jutland, battle of, 114-115.

Kaiser, 13, 14. 
Kaiser’s battle, 141. 
Kerensky, Alexander, 122-123. 
Kiaochow, 90. 
Kiel Canal, 68. 
Kitchener, Lord, prediction of, 105. 
Knights of Columbus, 160. 
Kultur, 34. 
Kut-el-Amara, 111-112, 125.

Laon, taken, 150. 
League of Nations, Wilson’s proposal, 179. 
League of Three Emperors, 56. 
Lemberg, taken, 86, 97. 
Lenine, 123, 136. 
Lens, taken, 149. 
Liberty motor, 154. 
Liege, taken, 79. 
Lille, taken, 81, 149. 
Lithuania, 137. 
Little Russians, 136. 
Livonia, 137. 
Loans, U.S., 158. 
London, air raids, 104. 
Lorraine, 28;
  see Alsace-Lorraine. 
Lusitania, sunk, 102-103. 
Luxemburg, 78, 79.

Macedonia, 61-65. 
  Europe, 6;
  Berlin-Bagdad railway, 32;
  Alsace-Lorraine, 49;
  Italia Irredenta, 50;
  Balkan States, 60;
  Western Front in 1914, 80;
  Eastern Front in 1914, 85;
  German colonies and early naval engagements, 88;
  Turkey, 110;
  European Fronts in 1917, 124;
  Naval War Zones in 1917, 128;
  Brest-Litovsk Treaty, 137;
  Western Front in 1918, 145. 
Marne, battles of the, 81, 146. 
Mazurian Lakes, battle of, 97. 
Mesopotamia, war in, 111, 125. 
Militarism, 34. 
Mine fields, in the sea, 91-92. 
Mittel-Europa, 64. 
Montenegro, 59, 61, 64, 98. 
Morocco question, 55. 
Munitions, ministers of, 105.

Project Gutenberg
A School History of the Great War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.