A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.
[Footnote f:  Cap 61. congregata est hac synodus sib Iustiniano qui vocatus est +rhinotmetes+, in qua erant Episcopi, 227.  Balsamon in suis ad eum Commentarijs, & vocata est synodus in Trullo erat autem +ho trullos+ Secretarium palatij quia in eo fuit celebrata, eam aut[~e] +penteken+ vocat Balsamon quasi Quintisexta dicas quia quod quinte & sexta synodis deerat (septem enim recipiunt Graeci) haec expleuit, Nomenclator Graecorum dictionum quae apud Harmenopulum occurrunt in sui iuris Promptuario.]
[Footnote g:  This testimony of Chrysostome is cited by Balsamon, in his exposition vpon that Chapter of the Councell before alleaged, to which may be added other of the same holy Bishop in his 9 Homily vpon the Epistle to the Colossians, & his 6 Sermon against the Iewes.]

    [Footnote h:  Superstitio tato peior est quato plura miscentur
    bona, quonia vnde debeat honorari Deus honoratur Diabolus.
    Gerson_ in Trilogio Astrologiae Theologisatae propositione 21._]

    [Footnote i:  Vide Phothi[~u] Patriarcha Constantinopolitan[~u] in
    nono Canone titulo 13. cap. 19

[Footnote k:  Ierome in his Apology against Ruffinus. and Eusebius alloweth but one only Epistle of his, Histor.  Ecclesiast. 2. cap. 16. Gratianus distinct. 15. Epiphanius contra Audianos.]

Among the Gentiles, when these so qualitied persons did swarme, and were accounted of high esteeme, there be reckoned vp whole troopes of this blacke guard of the Diuell; As [l]_Circe_ whom Homer reporteth to haue turned Vlysses Companions into Wolues, Lyons, Swine, &c. by her Inchantments, insauaging and making them beast-like and furious. Medea[m] famous in this kinde, for she murthered by Witch-craft Glauca in the day of her marriage, who enioyed Iason her loue.  And[n] the Mortars of these two, wherein they stamped their Magicall drugges, were for a long time kept in a certaine mountaine, and shewed as strange monuments to those who desired a sight of them.  For[o] the Diuel furnisheth such with powders, oyntments, hearbes, and like receipts, whereby they procure sicknesse, death, health, or worke other supernaturall effects.  Of the same profession were [p]_Simotha_, [q]_Erictho_, [r]_Canidia_, and infinite others beside, whose damnable memory deserueth to be buried in euerlasting obliuion.

    [Footnote l:  Homer. odissea 10, +pharmakois alliose+

    [Footnote m:  Euripides in Medea.  Ouidius Metamorph. lib. 7. 
    Pindarus Pythonum Idillio 4.  Apollonius Argonauticorum lib. 4º.

    [Footnote n:  Scholiastes Theocriti Idil 2 +en to selenaio orei
    deiknuousi tous medeias kai Kirkes hormous en hois ekopten ta

    [Footnote o:  Remigius demonolatriae lib. 1. cap 2.]

Project Gutenberg
A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.