A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

Seventh Proposition
  —­who commaunded that Epicharis
      text reads commannded
      spellings “command” and “commaund” are equally common in text
  Footnote a: 
    In Perkei ababboth.
      so in original
  —­such things as be not fitting and conuenient
      text reads couenient
  —­vnto the Philistines
      catchword on previous page has “-stims"
  —­Hitherto in some Propositions I haue set downe
      text reads Popositions

Narrative of Mary Smith
  —­being sent for to conferre with some learned and reuerend Diuines
      text reads Diuiues
  —­warrant a* foule sinne among Christians
      illegible letter:  possibly “as foule sinne”

Eight(h) Proposition
  —­he had direction for the fit time and oportunity
      text reads opoortunity
      word occurs only once elsewhere; it is spelled “oportunity"
  Footnote aa: 
    Aquinas in summa secundae quest. 96. articulo 4.
      text reads secundae secundae
  —­but either to signifie and expresse the conceits of the minde
      text reads bnt either
  —­As when Paul reasoned before F[oe]lix and Drusilla his wife
      so in original:  normal form of the name and word is “felix"
  Footnote hh: 
    Aug. confessionum
      text reads confessinum

Ninth Proposition
  —­then my God will do this and that for me
      text reads this aud that
  [o], [p]
      footnote locations are conjectural:  references missing from

[Problems in Text Citation and Greek Transcription: 

The html version of this text addresses these problems in greater detail, and includes screen images of the more illegible passages.

  Footnote d: 
    inuentas esse has artes +pros ap..en eleeinon anthropon ton rhadios
    hupokleptomenon eis tauta hupo tou diabolou.+ affirmat Cedrenus in
    historiae compendio.
      Reading unclear:  +eleeinon+ may be +helesin on+.  The original
      text was unavailable to me.

First Proposition
  Footnote f: 
    eam aut[e] +penteken+ vocat Balsamon
      _Correct form is +penthekten+_
  Footnote t: 
    +kathaper empsuchou somatos ton spheon exairetheison akreionas to
    holon:  houtos ex historias ean ares ten aletheian, to kataloipomenon
    autes, anateles gignetai diegema+
      _A more recent text (the 1893 Teubner) has +ton opseon
      exairetheison achreioutai+ in place of +ton spheon exairetheison
      akreionas+ and +anopheles+ in place of +anateles+_
  Footnote u: 
    +Kaionos idiotes eutheia+
      _Reading unclear:  +Kaiones+ may be meant for a contraction of
      +kai aiones+.  The original text was unavailable to me._

Project Gutenberg
A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.