A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.
my face against that soule, and will cut him off from among his people, &c. Againe, Deut. 18. 10. There shall not bee found among you any that vseth Diuination, nor an obseruer of times, or an inchanter, or a Witch, or a Charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, a Wisard, or Necromancer. And that God might shew how[n] much Manasses had prouoked him to wrath, through his transcendent and outragious sinnes in the Catalogue thereof, his conspiring with Diuels is mentioned 1.  King 21. 8.  And therefore is depriued of his kingdome, bound in fetters, and carried captiue vnto Babel, 2.  Chron. 33. 6.11. and though he repented of these outragious and enormious transgressions, yet God would not bee appeased for them fiftie yeares after he was dead, Ierem. 15. 4.

    [Footnote k:  Hironimus Oleaster in locum, & Iunius & Tremelius in

    [Footnote l:  Perkins of Witch-craft.]

    [Footnote m:  Binfeldius in Commentarium ad titulum codicis de
    Mathematicis & Maleficis.

    [Footnote n:  Godelmannus de Magis & veneficis, lib. 3. cap. 11.
    nº. 14. 15. 16. & seq.

Secondly, the ciuill lawes in this case are most strict, decreeing them to bee burned, and their goods confiscate, though they were persons of quality, and honourable, seated in dignity, and place of authority:[o] and there is a seuere constitution made by [p]_Charles_ the fift in late dayes against them, that though they shall not haue done, or be conuinced to haue hurt any, yet because they attempted a thing vnlawfull, and abhominable vnto God, are extraordinarily to be punished.  And concerning this particular, S. Augustin discourseth excellently, worthy to be read, de ciu. dei. l. 8. c. 19.

    [Footnote o:  Anonymus de Mosaicarum & Romanarum legum collatione
    titulo. 15.

[Footnote p:  Constitutiones criminales Caroli 5^i. a Georgio Ramo edita cap. 44. 109. & 177 Such are exempted from all benefit of those pardons which Princes vse to giue to other malefactors. Fornerius ad legem 236. in Titulo de verborum significatione, vide illum nam multa erudite scribit, ad propositum nostrum pertinentia.]

Thirdly, God willeth those should bee put to death, who by Diabolical and vnlawfull Arts, do endeuour to helpe or harme others, whether in act they performe the same, or purpose with intention, conceiuing and thinking they can do it, with ranke Witches must needs be marshalled; and therefore iustly subiect to deserued punishment.

Fourthly, all Idolaters are to dye by diuine appointment, Deu. 17. 5.  But I thinke no mans forehead is so brasen, that will stand Proctor, and plead guiltlesse for these sort of people, who deuote themselues wholly to the Diuell, though neuer so closely, and with great and cautelous secresie:  and no doubt God therefore was reuenged of the Templars, and their detestable wickednesse practised in darknesse and obscurity, who all[q] perished, as it were, in a moment for the same; of which at the full we may be informed in our owne ancient histories.

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A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.