A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

Now before I conclude this poynt, because by these kinde of creatures, many toyes bee vsed, to shaddow and maske the diuells suggestion and workes, it shall not be amisse to mention some of them, and among the rest be [n]characters written or grauen in plates of mettall:  and for these it is most certayne that Quantities haue no actiue qualitie; and therefore, if any expected successe according to desire doe follow in the vse thereof, it proceedeth from the illusion of Sathan, and is his worke, that hereby he might winne credite to his crafty fleights and conueyances, and procure to himselfe authority, establishing the kingdome of darknesse, withdraw men from resting vpon God, and reposing their trust in his almighty power, and boundlesse mercy, and sollicite them to expect helpe from him.  There are besides these, other idle trifles (for they deserue no better name which are appoynted to be hung about the neck) for Amulets, as [o]powerfull and effectuall remedies against certayne diseases, and pictures made of gold, brasse, lead, wax, &c. which neyther haue nor can haue any other vertue, then that which they doe receiue from the matter wherof they be framed, for the figure worketh not as a cause of alteration; but if it bring to passe any other effect that is from the power of the diuell an old enemy, and craftie deluder of mankinde, and therefore, presupposeth a contract made with him:  wherefore [p]_Antoninus Caracalla_ condemned those who vsed the same, for the helpe of Tertian and Quartan agues, and Constantius[q] decreeth such to be woorthy capitall punishment, and put to death.  And that naturall couer wherewith some children are borne, and is called by our women, the sillie how, Midwiues were wont to sell to credulous Aduocates and Lawyers, as an especiall meanes to furnish them with eloquence[r] and perswasiue speech, and to stoppe the mouthes of all, who should make any opposition against them:  for which cause one [s]_Protus_ was accused by the Clergie of Constantinople to haue offended in this matter.  And Chrysostome often accuseth Midwiues for reseruing the same to Magicall vses.  And Clemens[t] Alexandrinus giueth vs to vnderstand of one Erecestus, who had two inchaunted rings, so framed, that by the sound thereof he had direction for the fit time and oportunity in mannaging all the businesses hee intended, and yet notwithstanding was priuily murthered, though hee had warning giuen by that sound which was his vsuall instructer.  Thus, none can escape the reuenging hand of God, which pursueth those who haue infeoffed themselues to such vanities, and are besotted with these vnlawfull curiosities.  But among all other, charmes and inchaunting spells, haue gotten the start of the rest, which some think absolutely lawfull, and may vpon warrantise bee vsed, and pleade prescription for their iustification; for wee reade in Homer[u] that Vlysses being wounded by words, stayed the flux of blood; and [x]_Cardanus_ tells vs, that

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A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.