[Footnote a: Cod lib. 9. titulo 18. L. nullus & L. Nemo.]
[Footnote b: Gratianus decretorum parte 2. caus. 26. qu. 7.]
[Footnote c: Danaeus in dialogo de sortiarijs cap. 6.]
First, wee must haue no commerce or dealing with the diuell, eyther directly and immediately, or mediately and indirectly; for we ought to haue our recourse to God alone in all distresses, and this is that which Eliah spake with great indignation vnto the messengers of Ahaziah, who went to enquire of Baal-zelub, for the recouerie of their Lords health, 2. King. 1. 3.[d] So that wee must not seeke to Sathan, or any of his ministers. For none can serue two maisters, Matt. 6. 24. But as religious Iehosaphat, when we know not what to doe, then lift vp our eyes to heauen, 2 Chron. 20. 12.
[Footnote d: Martinus
de Arles in tractatu de superstitionibus.
Iohannes Gerson de erroribus
circa artem magicam articulo 5.]
Secondly, that help which any receiue from them bringeth destructon of our soules, for such as seeke for relief this way, make a[e] separation & departing from God, which is the death of the soule. And though it may be obiected, that some haue receiued benefite hereby, yet these are not one of tenne. And further, wee are not to iudge heerein of the lawfulnesse of these actions by the successe, but rest vpon the commaundement, for it falleth out sometime, that a thiefe and common robber by the high way, may liue in more aboundance, then those who with a lawfull and honest trade painefully maintaine themeelues, yet therefore hee is not iustified. And when wee haue recourse vnto others beside God, we bewray herein our [f]distrust, infidelitie, contempt and rebellion against him, which grieuous sinnes bring his wrath and eternall destruction. But let it be taken for granted, that wee may receiue good by them, yet this maxime is sure, & a truth vnrepealeable, which no distinction can elude; we must not doe euill that good may come thereof, Rom. 3. 8.[g] yea, it were better to end our dayes in any extremitie whatsoeuer, then to vse these for our helpers.
[Footnote e: In curing diseases the diuell respecteth two ends: the one, that he might seeme to keep the promise he hath made with those his slaues, and retaine them in their malicious practises and infidelity: the other, that hee might draw their faith and trust from God, who are thus healed by witches and wisards his instruments, and cast them downe headlong into destruction of their soules: or if they misse of hoped reliefe which often times so commeth to passe, God withstanding their attempts, then to wound their consciences, and driue them to despaire.]
[Footnote f: Nauarrus
in Enchiridio siue manuali confessariorum
cap 11.]
[Footnote g: Chrysost. cont. Iud[e,]os hom 6.]