A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.
and his merits, she in particular maner confessed openly at the place of execution, in the audience of multitudes of people gathered together (as is vsuall at such times) to be beholders of her death.  And made there also profession of her faith, and hope of a better life hereafter; and the meanes whereby she trusted to obtaine the same, as before, hath beene specified.  And being asked, if she would be contented to haue a Psalm sung, answered willingly that she desired the same, and appointed it herselfe, The Lamentation of a Sinner, whose beginning is, Lord turne not away thy face, &c.  And after the ending thereof thus finished her life:  So that in the iudgement of charity we are to conceiue the best, and thinke shee resteth in peace, notwithstanding her heynous transgressions formerly committed:  for there is no maladay incurable to the Almighty Physitian, Esay 1. 18 Ezech. 33. 11.  Therefore Caine did iniury to God, when conuicted of the barbarous and vnnaturall murther of his righteous brother, cryed out tht his sinne was greater then could be forgiuen, Gen. 4. 13 for Gods mercy is greater then mans misery can be.  And euen for the like vnto this very fact, we haue a booke case, already adiudged, and ouer-ruled in those Ephesians, who brought their coniuring bookes, sacrificed them in the fire, aestimated at the [b]value of nine hundred pounds of our money, repented of their[c] sinnes, and obtained mercy, Acts 19. vers. 19.

    [Footnote b:  Bud[e,]us de asse. lib. 5.]

[Footnote c:  The Ephesians were infamous for their Magicall practises, Appollonius professing the same in the Citie, so that it grewe into a prouerb, +grammata Ephesia+ the Ephesian letters, which were certaine Characters and wordes, by vertue whereof they obtained good successe in all businesse, victory against others, euasion and escape from dangers; and as we reade in Suidas, a Milesian armed with these letters, ouer-came thirty Champions in the games of Olimpus, but being remoued by the Magistrate, hauing intelligence thereof, himselfe was subdued.  Of these see Athen[e,]us Deipnosophiston lib. 12. Hesichius in his Lexicon. Plutarchus quaestionum conuiualium, lib 7. cap. 5.]

    ¶ The eight Proposition, and first consequent.

Now then from this premised narration, these two corrollaries or consequents do necessarily follow.

It is not lawfull for any Christian to consult with a witch or wisard, or goe to them for helpe.  God himselfe, whose commandement is and must be the rule of our life & direction hath forbidden it, Leuit. 19. 31. and 20. 6. Deuter. 18. 10.11.  And the Imperiall lawes, haue beene in this case verie respectiue.[a] Therefore, Leo the Emperour straitly enioyneth, that none should resort vnto them, and stileth their aduice nothing but meere impostures and deceit; and in the [b]Decrees collected by Gratian, the teachers of the people are seriously exhorted to admonish them, that magicall arts and inchantments cannot heale any infirmity:  and that they bee the dangerous snares, and subtilties of that ancient enemy of mankind, by which he indeuoureth to entangle them[c]:  and these so streight and seuere prohibitions are not without iust and weighty cause.  For,

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A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.