A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

The sicknesse which he first sustained, was in manner of a madnesse or phrensie, yet with some interposed release of extremity:  so that for thirteene or foureteene weekes together hee would be of perfect memory, other times distracted and depriued of all sence.  Also the ioynts and parts of his body were benummed, besides other pains and greifes from which hee is not yet freed, but continueth in great weakenesse, disabled to performe any labour, whereby hee may get sufficient and competent maintenance.  And by the councel of some, sending for this woman by whom hee was wronged, that he might scratch her (for this hath gone as currant, and may plead prescription for warrant a* foule sinne among Christians to thinke one Witch-craft can driue out another) his nailes turned like feathers, hauing no strength to lay his hands vpon her.

And it is not improbable but that she had dealt no better with others then these aboue mentioned.  For M^r Thomas Yonges of London, Fishmonger, reported vnto me, that after the demand of a debt due vnto M^r Iohn Mason, Silkeman of the same Citie, whose Widow hee married, from Henry Smith Glouer her husband, some execrations and curses being wished vnto him, within three or foure dayes (being then gone to Yarmouth in Norfolke vpon necessary businesse) there fell sicke, and was tortured with exceeding and massacring griefes, which by no meanes (hauing vsed the aduise of sundry learned and experienced Physitians in Norwich) could in any part be mitigated, and so extraordinarily vexed thirteene moneths, was constrained to go on Crutches, not being able to feed himselfe, and amended not before this mischieuous woman was committed to prison (accused for other wickednesses of the like kinde) at which time (so neere as he could conjecture) he then receiued some release of his former paines, though at the present when hee made this relation, which was at Candlemas last past, had not perfectly recouered his wonted strength:  for his left hand remained lame, and without vse.

But thus much by the way onely, omitting how before this accident a great Water-dogge ranne ouer his bed, the doore of the chamber where he lay being shut, no such one knowne (for carefull enquiry was made) either to haue been in that houfe where hee lodged, or in the whole Towne at any time.

I doe not insist vpon this, because shee did not nominate him or any other vnto vs, but onely those foure already expressed:  and for the wrongs done to them, she craued mercy at Gods hands, as for all other her sins, and in particular for that of Witch-craft, renounced the Diuell, embraced the mercies of God purchased by the obedience of Iesus Christ, and professed that her hope was onely by his suffering and passion to bee saued.  And all these, that is to say, her former grieuous offences committed against God, and his people, her defiance of the Diuell, and reposing all confidence of saluation in Christ Iesus alone,

Project Gutenberg
A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.