[Footnote l: Augustinus in locuus consulatur.]
[Footnote m: Vide
Iaquerium in flagello hereticorum
fascinariorum, cap. 23.]
Second, By affliction in the body or goodes, God[n] would quicken them vp to seeke the saluation of their soules. And so Paul gaue ouer a scandalous and incestuous person vnto the diuell, that he might be induced to forsake his sin, liue chastely heereafter, and be an edifying example to those whom he had offended: and this kinde of discipline was more soueraigne, then any other could haue beene, because mans nature abhorreth Sathan, and trembleth with feare once to conceiue that he should fall into his power and hands, and this is that which he writeth, aduising the Corinthians to deliuer him vnto Sathan, for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus, 1. Cor 5. 5. And in this sort he speaketh of two other deceiuers and blasphemers, Hymenaus and Alexander, I haue deliuered them vnto Sathan, that they may learne not to blaspheme, 1. Timothie 1. 20. therfore this giuing ouer, was not to destruction, but for correction.
[Footnote n: Idem cap. 21.]
The last poynt propounded, was, That witches haue power granted to vex Gods owne children aswell as others, and preuaile ouer them; and that we doe enquire (so farre as we may, and is iustifiable) of the causes thereof, which may be these.
First, [o]This is permitted vnto them for the experience of their faith and integrity, so that by this meanes their loue towards God which lay hidden in the heart, is now made manifest. To be quiet and patient in prosperity, when we may enioy benefites at our owne pleasure, is a matter easily to be performed: But to endure the fire of Tribulation, that is the proofe of a stedfast Christian, and in losses and sickenesse procured by such to bee silent, and submit our selues, this is the note of a faithfull man, & to choose rather obeying the law of God, to beare the infirmity of the body, then to ouer-flow in riches, and enioying health and strength offend the Lord.
[Footnote o: Trithemius
in libel. 8 qu[e,]stionum quas illi
dissoluendas proposuit Maximilianus
Imperator, qu[e,]st 7.]
Second, this maketh a difference betweene the wicked and the godly: for thus the holy Apostle speaketh of the righteous, that by many afflictions they must enter into the kingdome of heauen, Act. 14. 22. And all that will liue godly in Christ Iesus suffer tribulations, 2. Timoth. 3. 12. for whom the Lord loueth, he doth chasten, Prouer. 3. 12. It is a Christians glory to vndergoe for Gods cause, any vexation whatsoeuer, whether wrought by the diuell, or brought to passe by wicked men his [p]instruments; for when he is tryed, hee shall receiue the crowne of life, which God hath promised to those who loue him, Iames 1. 12. But wee reade contrary