A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

    [Footnote a:  Iaquerius in flagello hereticorum fascinariorum,
    cap. 19 & 20.

    [Footnote b:  Binfeldius de confessionibus maleficorum.]

Whereas the Law appoynteth another end, Exod. 30. 12. which hee had [c]now forgotten, the maintenance of the Ministerie and worshippe of God.  And a daughter of Abraham is bound of the diuell eighteene whole yeeres, had a spirit of Infirmity, was bowed together, and could in no wise lift vp herselfe, Lu. 13. 11.16. a grieuous calamity in respect of the author, the continuance, and the effect.  But to handle this poynt a little more distinctly; It shall not be amisse to open first some reasons, why God doth giue this power to the diuel ouer the righteous his children sometimes, as also vpon the wicked and disobedient to his will:  And in the second place, why Witches haue the like leaue graunted vnto them.  Therefore for his children.

    [Footnote c:  Iosephus +archaiologias+ lib. 7. sectione siue
    capite iuxta Graecam editionem 10.

The first reason of his permission is his inscrutable[d] wisedome, who out of euill bringeth good; so Paul had a minister of Sathan to buffet him, to keepe him in humility, that hee might not waxe proude and high-minded, in regard of those great mysteries which were reuealed when hee was taken into the third heauen, 2.  Corint. 12. 4.  Thus his tentation was a medicine preseruatiue preuenting the disease of his soule, which otherwise hee might haue falne into, [e]for both himselfe, and the rest of the Apostles, though they were chosen vessells, yet were they also fraile and brittle, wandring yet in the flesh vpon earth, not triumphing securely in heauen.

[Footnote d:  Zanchius de operibus creationis, part. 1. lib. 4. cap. 13. apud quem etiam plura inuenies.  Tertul. de fuga in persecutione has causas ponit permissionis diuinae, aut ex causa probationis conceditur diabolo vis tentationis prouocato, vel prouocanti, aut ex causa reprobationis traditur ei peccator aut ex causa cohibitionis, vt Apostolus refert sibi datum angelum Satanae.]

    [Footnote e:  Beda in collectaneis ex Augustino ad Epistolas

Second, It is[f] proceeding from his mercy and goodnes, for the trial of faith, obedience and constancy in such as belong to God:  whereof there is an excellent patterne, and vnparaleld in Iob 1. 13.14. _&c._ for by this triall is made a proofe to examine whether wee doe continue firme vpon our square, and vnshaken, or no; and be not remoued, eyther by the [g]seeming wonders of the diuell, or of his seruants and associats.  And therefore the Apostle pronounceth him blessed, who endureth temptation, for when hee is tryed hee shall receiue the crowne of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him, Iames 1. 12. for he is faithfull, and wil not suffer vs to be tempted aboue that we are able, but with the temptation also make a way to escape, &c. 1.  Cor. 10. 13.

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A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.