A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

A Treatise of Witchcraft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about A Treatise of Witchcraft.

    [Footnote a:  Nauarrus in Manuali confessarior. cap. 11 in primum
    decalogi praeceptum.

[Footnote b:  Ioh.  Wierus, totum hoc fictitium putat & fondus imaginarimum, & impossibile putat, idque passim in suis libris praecipue autem de Lamijs, cap. 7. 8. & 23. & de pr[e,]stigijs Daemon[~u], lib. 6. c. 27, & c.  Hunc refutant erudite.  Binfeldo confessionibus maleficorum, & Thomas Erastus de Lamijs.]

    [Footnote c:  De his ceremonijs similiae, Ier. cap. 34. 18. & multa
    Cyrillus contra Iulianum & Procopius Gazaeus in hunc locum &

    [Footnote d:  Palanus Syntagmatis Theologie, l. 2. cap. 8.]

And when the Diuell durst in expresse tearmes tender a contract to our blessed Sauiour, tempting him in the wildernesse, shewing him the kingdomes of the world, and the glory thereof, offered them with this condition, All these will I giue thee, if thou wilt fall downe and worship me, Mat. 4. 9.  How much more then will hee aduenture vpon man, weake, wicked, and easie to be seduced?  And who[e] can doubt but that these bee the solemne and formall words of a bargaine, Do vt des, do vt facias, I giue this for to haue that giuen, I bestow this, to haue such, or such a thing done for me.

[Footnote e:  Brissonius de formulis, lib. 6.  Solemnia pactorum sine obligatione verba sunt:  spondes? spondeo. promittis? promitto dabis? dabo vt facias, faciam.  Iustinianus in institutionibus, lib. 3. titulo 16.]

Now this couenant is of two sorts, secret or manifest; secret, when one indeuoureth or intendeth to do any thing by such meanes, which neither in nature, nor by institution haue power to produce the purposed effects, or be conioyned as neccessary with other, which can bring the same to passe.  Expresse, wherein consent is giuen either by writing, and words, or making such signes, whereby they renounce God, and deuote themselues slaues and vassals vnto the Diuell, hee promising, that vpon such condition they shall doe wonders, know future euents, helpe and hurt at their pleasure, and others like vnto these.

An example whereof wee may obserue in[f] Siluester the second, one of the holy Fathers of Rome, who did homage to the Diuell his Lord, and made fidelity to liue at his will and appoyntment, vpon condition to obtaine what he desired, by which meanes he got first the Bishopricke of Rhemes, after of Rauenna, and at the last the Papacie of Rome.  Which Sea, though it will yeeld good plenty of such like presidents, and we may finde them in authenticall records of Histories, yet I content my selfe with this one.

[Footnote f:  Hic Monachus Floriacensis Caenobij diabolo suadente, & enormiter instigante si eius ob*quijs & arti magica obligauit in tantum quod Diabolo fecit Homagium cum pacto vt ei omnia ad nutum succederent, & c.  Holcot. in cap. 17. lib. sapientiae lectione 190.  Platina in illius vita.  Vide & Balerum de Romanorum pontificum actis in lib. 5. in Syluestro secundo, & Robertum Barnes. de vitis pontificum Romanorum.]

[g]The formall tearmes of this couenant, as they bee set downe by some, are most dreadfull:  and the seuerall poynts these.

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A Treatise of Witchcraft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.