[Footnote l: Tatianus oratione contra Gentes.]
The third Proposition.
Except God do by his especial grace and ouerruling power, restraine the malice of these Witches and preserue his Children, they are permissiuely able,[a] through the helpe of the Diuell their maister, to hurt Men and Beasts, and trouble the elements, by vertue of that contract & agreement which they haue made with him. For man they endamage both in body & mind: In body, for [b]_Daneus_ reporteth of his owne knowledge, as an eye-witnesse thereof, that he hath seene the breasts of Nurces (onely touched by their hands) those sacred fountaines of humane nourishment so dried vp that they could yeeld no milke; some suddenly tormented with extreame and intolerable paine of the Cholicke, others[c] oppressed with the Palsie, Leprosie, Gout, Apoplexie, &c. And thus disabled from the performance of any action, many tortured with lingring consumptions,[d] and not a few afflicted with such diseases, which neither they themselues who wrought that euill, could afterward helpe; nor be cured thereof by the Art and diligent attendance of most skilfull Physitians. I willingly let passe other mischiefes wrought by them, of which many things are deliuered in the Canon and Ciuill Lawes, in the Schoole-men, and Diuines both ancient and moderne.
[Footnote a: Damascenus
Orthodox. fidei lib. 2. cap. 4.
+exousian echei kai eschon
kata tinos oikonomikos+, Iaquerius
flagelli Hereticorum fascinariorum,
cap. 25.]
[Footnote b: Vberae
matris fontes sanctissimos humani generis
educatores vocat Phauorinus
apud A. Gellium noct. Atticarum lib.
12. cap. 1. Aretius problematum
parte 2. Loco 144. de Magia.]
[Footnote c: Godlemanus
de veneficis lib. 1 cap.
[Footnote d: Exempla omnem fidem superantia Florentinae mulieris & vlrici cuiusdam Neucesseri refert Langius epist. Medicinalium lib. 2. Epist. 38. e cuius ventriculo lignum teres & quatuor cultri execti sunt: eorum & formam & iusta longitudinem ponit. Lycosthenes lib. de prodigijs & ostentis quo modo huiusmodi in corporibus humanis inueniantur & qua ratione ingenerentur, aut eijciantur & an tribuenda hac maleficijs & diabolica arti Binfeldius in commentario ad titulum Codicis de maleficis & Mathematicis pag. 510.]
In minde, stirring vp men to lust, to hatred, to loue, and the like[e] passions, and that by altering the inward and outward sences, either in forming some new obiect, or offering the same to the eye or eare, or stirring the humors: for there being a neere coniunction betweene the sensitiue and rationall faculties of the soule, if the one bee affected, the other (though indirectly) must of necessity be also moued. As for example, when they would prouoke any to loue or hatred, they propound an obiect vnder the shew and