Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours.

Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours.

Clemens, S.L.  Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  Harper, $2.25.

—­How to tell a story and other essays.  Harper, $1.50.

—­Prince and the pauper.  Harper, $2.25.

Coates, H.T., ed. Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry. 
Pop. ed.  Winston, $2.00.

Collodi, C., pseud. Adventures of Pinocchio.  Ginn, 64c.

Colonial stories; retold from St. Nicholas.  Century, $1.25.

Cooke, F.J.  Nature myths and stories for little children.  Flanagan, 70c.

Coolidge, Susan, pseud.
  Mischief’s Thanksgiving and other stories.  Little, $1.75. 
  Round dozen.  Little, $1.75.

Cotes, Mrs. S.J. 
  Story of Sonny Sahib.  Appleton, $1.75.

Couch, A.T.Q. 
  Historical tales from Shakespeare.  Scribner, $2.00. 
  Oxford book of English verse.  Oxford, $3.00.

Coussens, P.W., comp.
  Child’s book of stories; pictures by J.W.  Smith.  Duffield, $3.50.

Cowles, J.D. 
  The art of story telling.  McClurg, $1.00.

Cox, Sir G.W. 
  Tales of ancient Greece.  McClurg, $1.00.

Crane, Walter. 
  Goody Two Shoes picture book.  Lane, $1.25.

Crommelin, E.G. 
  Famous legends.  Century, 76c.

Cruikshank fairy book; w. illus. by Cruikshank.  Putnam, $1.75.

Curtin, Jeremiah. 
  Hero tales of Ireland.  Little, $2.50.

Dame Wiggins of Lee and her seven wonderful cats. 
London, Allen, 1s.

Dana, C.A. 
  Household book of poetry.  Appleton, $5.00.

Darton, F.J.H. 
  Wonder book of beasts.  Stokes, $2.50.

Davis, R.H. 
  Gallegher; and other stories.  Scribner, $1.75.

Dickens, Charles. 
  Christmas carol.  Houghton, 60c. 
  Cricket on the hearth.  Houghton, 60c. 
  Posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club. 2v.  Macmillan $1.75.

Dickinson, A.D. and Skinner, A.M., eds.
  Children’s book of Christmas stories.  Doubleday, $1.75.

Dier, J.C., comp.
  Children’s book of Christmas.  Macmillan, $1.50.

Djurklou, N.G. 
  Fairy tales from the Swedish.  Stokes, $2.00.

Dodge, Mrs. M. (M.). 
  Hans Brinker.  New Amsterdam ed.  Scribner, $1.50.

Drummond, Henry. 
  Monkey that would not kill.  Dodd, $1.10.

Edgar, M.G. 
 Treasury of verse for little children.  Crowell, $1.00.

Eliot, George, pseud.
  Mill on the Floss.  Little, $2.00.

Emerson, E.R., comp.
  Indian myths.  Osgood, $5.00.

Ewing, Mrs. J.H. (G.). 
  Jackanapes.  Little, $1.00. 
  Lob-lie-by-the-fire; il. by G. Cruikshank.  Macmillan, $1.75. 
  Mary’s meadow.  Little, $1.00. 
  Old fashioned fairy tales.  Little, 80c.

Field, Eugene. 
  Little book of profitable tales.  Scribner, $1.75.

Firth, E.M. 
  Stories of old Greece.  Heath, 75c.

Project Gutenberg
Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.