The Man Who Knew Too Much eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Man Who Knew Too Much.
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The Man Who Knew Too Much eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Man Who Knew Too Much.

The incongruity between the masquerade and the mystery had created a curious psychological atmosphere.  At first they had all felt horribly ashamed at being caught in the foolish disguises of a festival, by an event that had only too much the character of a funeral.  Many of them would have already gone back and dressed in clothes that were more funereal or at least more formal.  But somehow at the moment this seemed like a second masquerade, more artificial and frivolous than the first.  And as they reconciled themselves to their ridiculous trappings, a curious sensation had come over some of them, notably over the more sensitive, like Crane and Fisher and Juliet, but in some degree over everybody except the practical Mr. Brain.  It was almost as if they were the ghosts of their own ancestors haunting that dark wood and dismal lake, and playing some old part that they only half remembered.  The movements of those colored figures seemed to mean something that had been settled long before, like a silent heraldry.  Acts, attitudes, external objects, were accepted as an allegory even without the key; and they knew when a crisis had come, when they did not know what it was.  And somehow they knew subconsciously that the whole tale had taken a new and terrible turn, when they saw the prince stand in the gap of the gaunt trees, in his robes of angry crimson and with his lowering face of bronze, bearing in his hand a new shape of death.  They could not have named a reason, but the two swords seemed indeed to have become toy swords and the whole tale of them broken and tossed away like a toy.  Borodino looked like the Old World headsman, clad in terrible red, and carrying the ax for the execution of the criminal.  And the criminal was not Crane.

Mr. Brain of the Indian police was glaring at the new object, and it was a moment or two before he spoke, harshly and almost hoarsely.

“What are you doing with that?” he asked.  “Seems to be a woodman’s chopper.”

“A natural association of ideas,” observed Horne Fisher.  “If you meet a cat in a wood you think it’s a wildcat, though it may have just strolled from the drawing-room sofa.  As a matter of fact, I happen to know that is not the woodman’s chopper.  It’s the kitchen chopper, or meat ax, or something like that, that somebody has thrown away in the wood.  I saw it in the kitchen myself when I was getting the potato sacks with which I reconstructed a mediaeval hermit.”

“All the same, it is not without interest,” remarked the prince, holding out the instrument to Fisher, who took it and examined it carefully.  “A butcher’s cleaver that has done butcher’s work.”

“It was certainly the instrument of the crime,” assented Fisher, in a low voice.

Brain was staring at the dull blue gleam of the ax head with fierce and fascinated eyes.  “I don’t understand you,” he said.  “There is no—­there are no marks on it.”

“It has shed no blood,” answered Fisher, “but for all that it has committed a crime.  This is as near as the criminal came to the crime when he committed it.”

Project Gutenberg
The Man Who Knew Too Much from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.