The Haunted Bookshop eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about The Haunted Bookshop.

The Haunted Bookshop eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about The Haunted Bookshop.

“Is that Metzger?” said Roger, pointing to the bearded man who was trying to break Aubrey’s grip.  “Gilbert, don’t choke that man, we want him to do some explaining.”

Aubrey got up, picked his revolver from the floor where he had dropped it, and prodded the chef to his feet.

“Well, you swine,” he said, “how did you enjoy falling downstairs the other evening?  As for you, Herr Weintraub, I’d like to know what kind of prescriptions you make up in that cellar of yours.”

Weintraub’s face shone damply in the lamplight.  Perspiration was thick on his forehead.

“My dear Mifflin,” he said, “this is awfully stupid.  In my eagerness, I’m afraid——­”

Titania ran back into the room, followed by Helen, whose face was crimson.

“Thank God you’re back, Roger,” she said.  “These brutes tied me up in the kitchen and gagged me with a roller-towel.  They threatened to shoot Titania if she wouldn’t give them the suitcase.”

Weintraub began to say something, but Roger thrust the revolver between his eyes.

“Hold your tongue!” he said.  “We’re going to have a look at those books of yours.”

“I’ll get the suitcase,” said Titania.  “I hid it.  When Mr. Weintraub came in and asked for it, at first I was going to give it to him, but he looked so queer I thought something must be wrong.”

“Don’t you get it,” said Aubrey, and their eyes met for the first time.  “Show me where it is, and we’ll let friend Hun bring it.”

Titania flushed a little.  “It’s in my bedroom cupboard,” she said.

She led the way upstairs, Metzger following, and Aubrey behind Metzger with his pistol ready.  Outside the bedroom door Aubrey halted.  “Show him the suitcase and let him pick it up,” he said.  “If he makes a wrong movement, call me, and I’ll shoot him.”

Titania pointed out the suitcase, which she had stowed at the back of her cupboard behind some clothes.  The chef showed no insubordination, and the three returned downstairs.

“Very well,” said Roger.  “We’ll go down in the shop where we can see better.  Perhaps he’s got a first folio Shakespeare in here.  Helen, you go to the phone and ring up the McFee Street police station.  Ask them to send a couple of men round here at once.”

“My dear Mifflin,” said Weintraub, “this is very absurd.  Only a few old books that I had collected from time to time.”

“I don’t call it absurd when a man comes into my house and ties my wife up with clothesline and threatens to shoot a young girl,” said Roger.  “We’ll see what the police have to say about this, Weintraub.  Don’t make any mistake:  if you try to bolt I’ll blow your brains out.”

Aubrey led the way down into the shop while Metzger carried the suitcase.  Roger and Weintraub followed, and Titania brought up the rear.  Under a bright light in the Essay alcove Aubrey made the chef lay the bag on the table.

Project Gutenberg
The Haunted Bookshop from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.