Moral Sentiments, Theory of, 141;
Hume on its reception, 142;
translated into French, 196;
author’s last revision, 425;
suppressed passage on Atonement, 428
Morellet, Abbe, intimacy with Smith, 200;
opinion of Smith, 201;
on Madame Necker’s salon, 206;
on the French translations of Smith’s
works, 759;
his own translation of Wealth of Nations,
Mother, death of Smith’s, 393
Mure, Baron, correspondence of Hume and Oswald on
Balance of
Trade, 38;
in Glasgow Literary Society, 95;
connection with Douglas cause, 258;
desires Smith for tutor to Duke of Hamilton,
Mure, Miss, of Caldwell, on Hume’s superstition, 313
Music, Smith’s alleged absence of ear for, 214;
his criticism of, 214
Necker, Smith’s acquaintance with, 206; and opinion of, 206
Neutrality, the Armed, Smith on, 382
New College, Edinburgh, possessor of Smith’s economic books, 439
Nicholson, Professor Shield, on Smith’s books, 327
North, Lord, adopts suggestions for his budget from
Wealth of Nations,
294, 310;
rewards the author with Commissionership
of Customs, 320
Opera, French, Smith on, 214
Oswald, James, Treasurer of Navy, home friend of Smith,
influence on Smith, 37;
correspondence with Hume on Balance of
Trade, 38;
works for removal of duty on American
iron, 93
Oxford, Smith’s matriculation, 18;
expenses of education there then, 19;
Did Smith graduate? 20;
state of learning there, 20;
Smith on, 21;
his friendlessness at, 27;
never revisited by him, 29
Oyster Club, Edinburgh, 334; Samuel Rogers at, 418
Panmure House, Smith’s Edinburgh residence, 325
Paris, Smith in, 175, 194
Pastor Fido, Smith’s opinion of, 369
Percy’s Reliques, Smith’s opinion of, 369
Physiocrats, the, 216
Pitt, William, disciple of Smith, 404;
his remark to Smith at Dundas’s,
Smith’s remark on, 405;
consults Smith on public affairs, 406
Plagiarism, Smith’s alleged accusation of Blair,
his alleged fear of, 64, 269
Playfair, Professor John, on Oyster Club, 335;
on Dr. Hutton, 337
Playfair, William, on Smith’s conversation,
on Smith’s declining health, 405
Poker Club, 134
Pope, Alexander, Smith on, 369, 370
Population question, 398
Portraits of Smith, 438
Pownall, Governor, Smith’s letter to, 319
Price, Dr. Richard, on decline of population, 398;
Smith’s opinion of, 400
Pringle, Sir John, on Wealth of Nations, 288
Pulteney, Sir William, attends Smith’s lectures,
introduced by Smith to Oswald, 103;
Smith’s letter to, on Indian supervisorship,