East India Company, Smith on, 242;
Smith mentioned for supervisorship, 253
Economists, the French sect of, 216;
their great activity in 1766, 219
Eden, William (Lord Auckland), applies for Smith’s
opinion on free
trade for Ireland, 352;
Smith’s opinion of, 384;
Smith’s letter to, on American affairs,
Edinburgh, Smith’s lectures in, 30;
Smith made freeman of burgh, 251;
Smith’s permanent residence there,
Royal Society of, 375;
Smith on, 417;
New College possesses part of Smith’s
books, 439
Edinburgh Review, 120;
Smith’s review of Johnson’s
Dictionary, 121;
his review of contemporary literature,
death of, 124;
Hume’s exclusion from, 125
Elliot, Sir Gilbert, M.P., reported candidature for
chair of Moral
Philosophy, 46
Enville, Duchesse d’, hospitality to Smith at
Geneva, 191;
on Smith’s French, 192
Erskine, Henry, Lord Advocate, pupil of Smith, 58
Espinasse, Mademoiselle de 1’, Smith’s visits to her salon, 201
Fencing, Academy of, in Glasgow College, 79
Ferguson, Dr. Adam, was he the object of Smith’s
1755 manifesto? 65;
on a national militia, 138;
candidate for Indian supervisorship, 255;
appointed tutor to Lord Chesterfield on
Smith’s recommendation, 258;
his announcement in 1773 of the Wealth
of Nations, 264;
intermediary between Lord Carlisle and
Smith, 350;
reconciliation with Smith, 433
Fitzmaurice, Hon. T., pupil of Smith, 154
Foulis, Robert, University press, 71;
Academy of Design, 72;
economic publications, 76
Fox, Charles James, quotes Wealth of Nations,
on Smith, 289;
Smith’s approbation of his East
India Bill, 386
France, Smith’s account of condition of the
people of, 229;
sobriety of southern, 180
Franklin, Benjamin, makes Smith’s acquaintance,
alleged assistance to Smith in composing
Wealth of Nations,
Free trade, Smith’s advocacy of, in 1750, 36;
his conversion of the Glasgow merchants
to, 60;
his 1755 manifesto about, 62;
alleged revolutionary character of the
doctrine, 292;
for Ireland, 349;
Smith’s opinion, 350, 353
French principles and the Wealth of Nations, 291
Funeral expenses, Smith’s father’s, 3
Garrick, David, letter introducing Smith to, 211;
on Smith’s conversation, 269
Geneva, Smith at, 188;
the constitutional struggle then proceeding,
Gibbon, Edward, on state of learning at Oxford, 20;
on Wealth of Nations, 287;
obtains Smith’s opinion as to continuation
of his
History, 371;
Smith’s admiration for his work,
Gibraltar, Smith against retaining, 382