Manalive eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about Manalive.
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Manalive eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about Manalive.
feet of that festive idiot were evidently turned in the same direction, everybody else went that way with the unanimity of some uproarious procession.  Only Diana Duke retained enough rigidity to say the thing that had been boiling at her fierce feminine lips for the last few hours.  Under the shadow of tragedy she had kept it back as unsympathetic.  “In that case,” she said sharply, “these cabs can be sent away.”

“Well, Innocent must have his bag, you know,” said Mary with a smile.  “I dare say the cabman would get it down for us.”

“I’ll get the bag,” said Smith, speaking for the first time in hours; his voice sounded remote and rude, like the voice of a statue.

Those who had so long danced and disputed round his immobility were left breathless by his precipitance.  With a run and spring he was out of the garden into the street; with a spring and one quivering kick he was actually on the roof of the cab.  The cabman happened to be standing by the horse’s head, having just removed its emptied nose-bag.  Smith seemed for an instant to be rolling about on the cab’s back in the embraces of his Gladstone bag.  The next instant, however, he had rolled, as if by a royal luck, into the high seat behind, and with a shriek of piercing and appalling suddenness had sent the horse flying and scampering down the street.

His evanescence was so violent and swift, that this time it was all the other people who were turned into garden statues.  Mr. Moses Gould, however, being ill-adapted both physically and morally for the purposes of permanent sculpture, came to life some time before the rest, and, turning to Moon, remarked, like a man starting chattily with a stranger on an omnibus, “Tile loose, eh?  Cab loose anyhow.”  There followed a fatal silence; and then Dr. Warner said, with a sneer like a club of stone,—­

“This is what comes of the Court of Beacon, Mr. Moon.  You have let loose a maniac on the whole metropolis.”

Beacon House stood, as has been said, at the end of a long crescent of continuous houses.  The little garden that shut it in ran out into a sharp point like a green cape pushed out into the sea of two streets.  Smith and his cab shot up one side of the triangle, and certainly most of those standing inside of it never expected to see him again.  At the apex, however, he turned the horse sharply round and drove with equal violence up the other side of the garden, visible to all those in the group.  With a common impulse the little crowd ran across the lawn as if to stop him, but they soon had reason to duck and recoil.  Even as he vanished up street for the second time, he let the big yellow bag fly from his hand, so that it fell in the centre of the garden, scattering the company like a bomb, and nearly damaging Dr. Warner’s hat for the third time.  Long before they had collected themselves, the cab had shot away with a shriek that went into a whisper.

“Well,” said Michael Moon, with a queer note in his voice; “you may as well all go inside anyhow.  We’ve got two relics of Mr. Smith at least; his fiancee and his trunk.”

Project Gutenberg
Manalive from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.