About Orchids eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about About Orchids.

About Orchids eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about About Orchids.


[Footnote 9:  Mr. Cookson writes to me:  “Give some of the credit to my present gardener, William Murray, who is entitled to a large proportion, at least.”]


Aerides Lawrenciae      160
Angraecum arcuatum      134
"    caudatum      135
"    Duchailluianum      134
"    Ellisii      135
"    falcatum      133
"    Kotschyi      135
"    Leonis      135
"    Sanderianum      134
"    Scottianum      135
"    sesquipedale (AEranthus sesquipedalis)      135
Anomatheca cruenta      11
Begonia coralina      195
Begonias      86
Brassias      207
Brassavola Digbyana      128
Bulbophyllum barbigerum      169
"       Beccarii      169
"       Dearei      170
"       Godseffianum      170
"       Lobbii      170
Bullthorn acacia      124
Calanthe Alexanderii      246
"    Dominii       214
"    Sedeni       215
"    Veitchii      215
Catasetum barbatum      123
"     Bungerothi (C. pileatum)      123
"     callosum      123
"     fimbriatum      123
Cattleya Acklandiae      154
"    amethystoglossa      154
"    aurea       115
"    Brymeriana      232
"    Dowiana      115, 151
"    Hardyana      118
"    hybrida       214
"    labiata       111
"    Lawrenceana       92
"    Mendellii       117
"       "      fly      117
"    Mossiae       111
"    Sanderiana      118
"    Skinneri alba      119
"    superba      152
"    Trianae       111, 201
"    violacea       110
Coelogene cristata      160
"      Dayana      161
"      pandurata      160
"      Sanderiana      161
Cookson, Norman, Esq.     22433
Arnold      27, 28, 70, 180, 181
Bartholomeus      122, 180
Bestwood      180
Chaillu, M. Du      134
Chesterton      180, 181
Clarke      181
Digance      181
Dressel      77
Endres      70
Ericksson      32, 33
Falkenberg       69
Forstermann       162
Gardner        174, 175, 181
Hartweg      67
Humblot      133
Kerbach     72, 180
Klaboch       70, 105, 180
Kromer       95, 98, 99
Lawrenceson      181
Micholitz        30, 31
Osmers       94, 181
Oversluys       163, 180
Roebelin      140, 160
Roezl       66, 75, 76, 105, 139, 204, 205
Schroeder       70
Seyler       100
Smith       180, 181
Steigfers      99
Swainson       173-175, 177, 179, 181
Wallace       35
Wallis       70
Weir      67
Cypripedium calceolus      82, 224, 225
"      candidum      82
"      Curtisi      32
"      Fairieanum      223
"      guttatum       82
"      insigne       83, 84, 108
"      macranthum       82
"      niveum      85
"      parviflorum        82
"      planifolium        87
"      pubescens        82
"      purpuratum       223
"      Sedeni         228
"      spectabile        82
"      Spicerianum        83, 85
"      vexillarium       238
Cymbidium Lowianum      195
"    Albertesii      131
Dendrobium atro-violaceum      131
"      bigibbum      168

Project Gutenberg
About Orchids from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.