Theodicy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 660 pages of information about Theodicy.

Theodicy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 660 pages of information about Theodicy.
  Desmarests, Samuel, 241
  Diodorus, 230-2
  Diogenianus, 325
  Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 232
  Diphilus, 285
  Diroys, 249-53, 329
  Dominicans, 348
  Dreier, 244
  Drexler, 291
  Dualists, 251
  du Plessis-Mornay, 91
  Durand de Saint-Pourcain, 139, 324, 341, 353

  Empedocles, 324
  Epictetus, 352
  Epicureans, 282-3
  Epicurus, 229-30, 310-11, 319, 320, 324, 395
  Esprit, Abbe, 131
  Euclid, 261
  Euripides, 284, 285
  Eusebius, 326
  Eutrapelus, 191

  Fabricius, Johann Ludwig, 67
  Fabry, 333
  Fecht, 290, 291, 293
  Fenelon, 287
  Fludde, 184
  Fonseca, 145
  Foucher, 34, 89, 337
  Francis I of France, 204
  Francis of Sales, St., 176
  Francis Xavier, St., 176
  Freitag, Johann, 171
  Fromondus, Libertus, 89
  Fulgentius, 167
  Fur praedestinatus, 227

della Galla, Julius Caesar, 171 Gassendi, 12, 337 Gatacre, Thomas, 262 Gerhard, Johann, 291 Gerson, 79 Gibieuf, 344-5 Glarea, Antonio, 366 Godescalc, 167, 294 Gomarists, 227 Gregory, St., the Great, 100, 291, 293, 294 Gregory, St., of Nazianzus, 173 Gregory, St., of Nyssa, 132 Gregory of Rimini, 173 Grotius, 77, 91, 161, 194, 241, 243, 276 Guerre, Martin, 97-8 Gymnosophists, 284

  Hartsoeker, 172
  Heliodorus of Larissa, 437
  Heraclitus, 324
  Herminius, see Irminius
  Hermippus, 209
  Herodotus, 196, 208, 210
  Heshusius, Tilemann, 82
  Hobbes, Thomas, 67, 89, 159, 161, 234, 265, 348, 393 ff., 410
  Hoffmann, Daniel, 82
  Horace, 131, 318
  Homer, 284
  Hyde, 209

  Innocent III, Pope, 131
  Irminius, 209
  Isbrand, 238

Jansenists, 145, 346-7 Jansenius, 344 Jacquelot, 157, 223, 259, 265, 278, 341 Jerome, St., 132 John of Damascus, St., 77 [Page 447] John Scot, 171 Jung, 261 Jupiter, 213 Jurieu, 174, 187, 290-2, 356 Justin, 208

  Keckermann, Bartholomaeus, 106
  Keilah, siege of, 145-6
  Kendal, George, 228
  Kepler, 140, 353
  Kerkering, 351
  Kessler, Andreas, 83
  Kortholt, Sebastian, 351
  Krell, Nicolas, 398

de Labadie, Jean, 82 Lactantius, 221, 285, 286, 440 Lami, Francois, 89, 359 Lateran Council, 80 Laud, Abp., 398 de Launoy, 100 Lazarus, 294 le Clerc, 64, 121, 132, 245, 292 Leeuwenhoek, 172 Limbourg, 350 Lipsius, Justus, 325, 337, 353 Livy, 263 Locke, John, 8, 9, 33-4, 86, 409 Loescher, 298 Louis of Dole, 149, 353 Lucan, 122, 212 Lucian, 265, 434 Lucretius, 320 Lully, Raymond, 106 Luther, 67, 81, 99, 101, 110-11, 122, 298, 328, 395

  Machiavelli, 216
  Maignan, 359
  Maimonides, 287-8
  Malebranche, 172, 244, 254 ff., 276, 280, 333, 359, 361
  Manichaeans, 59, 98, 113, 124, 208, 274, 419
  Marchetti, 320
  Marcion, 213
  Marcus Aurelius, 263
  Mary, Blessed Virgin, 193
  Matthieu, Pierre, 204

Project Gutenberg
Theodicy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.