Diddie, Dumps & Tot eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Diddie, Dumps & Tot.

Diddie, Dumps & Tot eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Diddie, Dumps & Tot.

And even after Aunt Nancy would get them into line, and their hands crossed behind their backs, she would have to watch very closely, or some wicked little “nig” would slip into the place of the one just above him, and make a horrible face, and spit, and wipe his mouth as if he had just taken his dose; and thereby the one whose place he had taken would have to swallow a double portion, while he escaped entirely; or else a scuffle would ensue, and a very animated discussion between the parties as to who had taken the last dose; and unless it could be decided satisfactorily, Aunt Nancy would administer a dose to each one; for, in her opinion, “too much furmifuge wuz better ’n none.”

And so you see the giving of the vermifuge consumed considerable time.  After that was through with, she would begin again at the head of the line, and, making each child open its mouth to its fullest extent, she would examine each throat closely, and if any of them had their “palates down,” she would catch up a little clump of hair right on top of their heads and wrap it around as tightly as she could with a string, and then, catching hold of this “topknot,” she would pull with all her might to bring up the palate.  The unlucky little “nig” in the meanwhile kept up the most unearthly yells, for so great was the depravity among them that they had rather have their palates down than up.  Keeping their “palate locks” tied was a source of great trouble and worriment to Aunt Nancy.

[Illustration:  Sanitary measures.]

The winter was always a great season with the children; Mammy would let them have so many candy-stews, and they parched “goobers” in the evenings, and Aunt Milly had to make them so many new doll’s clothes, to “keep them quiet,” as Dumps said; and such romps and games as they would have in the old nursery!

There were two rooms included in the nursery—­one the children’s bedroom and the other their playroom, where they kept all their toys and litter; and during the winter bright wood fires were kept up in both rooms, that the children might not take cold, and around both fireplaces were tall brass fenders that were kept polished till they shone like gold.  Yet, in spite of this precaution, do you know that once Dilsey, Diddie’s little maid, actually caught on fire, and her linsey dress was burned off, and Aunt Milly had to roll her over and over on the floor, and didn’t get her put out till her little black neck was badly burned, and her little woolly head all singed.  After that she had to be nursed for several days.  Diddie carried her her meals, and Dumps gave her “Stella,” a china doll that was perfectly good, only she had one leg off and her neck cracked; but, for all that, she was a great favorite in the nursery, and it grieved Dumps very much to part with her; but she thought it was her “Christian juty,” as she told Diddie; so Aunt Milly made Stella a new green muslin dress, and she was transferred to Dilsey.

Project Gutenberg
Diddie, Dumps & Tot from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.