the size of the lattice. If the lattice is weak,
the column is simply deficient; so a formula for a
hooped column is incorrect if it shows that the strength
of the column varies with the section of the hoops,
and, on this account, the common formula is incorrect.
The hoops might be ever so strong, beyond a certain
limit, and yet not an iota would be added to the compressive
strength of the column, for the concrete between the
hoops might crush long before their full strength
was brought into play. Also, the hoops might
be too far apart to be of much or any benefit, just
as the lattice in a steel column might be too widely
spaced. There is no element of personal opinion
in these matters. They are simply incontrovertible
facts. The strength of a hooped column, disregarding
for the time the longitudinal steel, is dependent
on the fact that thin discs of concrete are capable
of carrying much more load than shafts or cubes.
The hoops divide the column into thin discs, if they
are closely spaced; widely spaced hoops do not effect
this. Thin joints of lime mortar are known to
be many times stronger than the same mortar in cubes.
Why, in the many books on the subject of reinforced
concrete, is there no mention of this simple principle?
Why do writers on this subject practically ignore the
importance of toughness or tensile strength in columns?
The trouble seems to be in the tendency to interpret
concrete in terms of steel. Steel at failure
in short blocks will begin to spread and flow, and
a short column has nearly the same unit strength as
a short block. The action of concrete under compression
is quite different, because of the weakness of concrete
in tension. The concrete spalls off or cracks
apart and does not flow under compression, and the
unit strength of a shaft of concrete under compression
has little relation to that of a flat block.
Some years ago the writer pointed out that the weakness
of cast-iron columns in compression is due to the
lack of tensile strength or toughness in cast iron.
Compare 7,600 lb. per sq. in. as the base of a column
formula for cast iron with 100,000 lb. per sq. in.
as the compressive strength of short blocks of cast
iron. Then compare 750 lb. per sq. in., sometimes
used in concrete columns, with 2,000 lb. per sq. in.,
the ultimate strength in blocks. A material one-fiftieth
as strong in compression and one-hundredth as strong
in tension with a “safe” unit one-tenth
as great! The greater tensile strength of rich
mixtures of concrete accounts fully for the greater
showing in compression in tests of columns of such
mixtures. A few weeks ago, an investigator in
this line remarked, in a discussion at a meeting of
engineers, that “the failure of concrete in
compression may in cases be due to lack of tensile
strength.” This remark was considered of
sufficient novelty and importance by an engineering
periodical to make a special news item of it.
This is a good illustration of the state of knowledge
of the elementary principles in this branch of engineering.