Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design.

Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design.

In reinforced concrete there are ample grounds for the contention that the carrying out of a nice theory, based on nice assumptions and the exact determination of ideal stresses, is of far less importance than the building of a structure which is, in every way, capable of performing its function.  There are more than ample grounds for the contention that the ideal stresses worked out for a reinforced concrete structure are far from realization in this far from ideal material.

Apart from the objection that the elastic theory, instead of showing economy by cutting down the thickness of the arch ring, would show the very opposite if fully carried out, there are objections of greater weight, objections which strike at the very foundation of the theory as applied to reinforced concrete.  In the elastic theory, as in the intricate beam theory commonly used, there is the assumption of an initial unstressed condition of the materials.  This is not true of a beam and is still further from the truth in the case of an arch.  Besides shrinkage of the concrete, which always produces unknown initial stresses, there is a still more potent cause of initial stress, namely, the settlement of the arch when the forms are removed.  If the initial stresses are unknown, ideal determinations of stresses can have little meaning.

The elastic theory stands or falls according as one is able or unable to calculate accurately the deflection of a reinforced concrete beam; and it is an impossibility to calculate this deflection even approximately.  The tests cited by Professor Lanza show the utter disagreement in the matter of deflections.  Of those tested, two beams which were identical, showed results almost 100% apart.  A theory grounded on such a shifting foundation does not deserve serious consideration.  Professor Lanza’s conclusions, quoted under the twelfth point, have special meaning and force when applied to a reinforced concrete arch; the actual distribution of the stresses cannot possibly be determined, and complex cloaks of arithmetic cannot cover this fact.  The elastic theory, far from being a reliable formula, is false and misleading in the extreme.

The fourteenth point refers to temperature calculations in a reinforced concrete arch.  These calculations have no meaning whatever.  To give the grounds for this assertion would be to reiterate much of what has been said under the subject of the elastic arch.  If the unstressed shape of an arch cannot be determined because of the unknown effect of shrinkage and settlement, it is a waste of time to work out a slightly different unstressed shape due to temperature variation, and it is a further waste of time to work out the supposed stresses resulting from deflecting that arch back to its actual shape.

Project Gutenberg
Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.