Selected Official Documents of the South African Republic and Great Britain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 64 pages of information about Selected Official Documents of the South African Republic and Great Britain.

Selected Official Documents of the South African Republic and Great Britain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 64 pages of information about Selected Official Documents of the South African Republic and Great Britain.

This notice shall also be sent to the State Secretary by the Field-Cornet, and the latter shall publish it in the Staats Courant, all under the same provision and punishment as set forth in Article 2.

The applicant shall then, on application for the letters of naturalization with full franchise, further give proof that he has sent in the notice, in accordance with the form of Schedule A, mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, for proof of which it will be sufficient to produce a copy of the Staats Courant in which the notice was published.

ARTICLE 4.—­Each person who has come to the South African Republic to stay before the coming into force of this Law shall, on fulfilment of the provisions of Article 1, be able to obtain letters of naturalization at least seven years after his coming into the country.

In case the applicant is not entitled to the full franchise six months after the coming into force of this Law, he shall give proof that he, within six months after the coming into force of the Law sent to the Field-Cornet of his ward a written notice of his intention to become naturalized.

If he neglect to send in this notice, in accordance with the form contained in Schedule A, or if he does not produce the certificate mentioned in Article 1, Section a, the applicant shall not be entitled to the full franchise in terms of this Article, but only in terms of Articles 2 and 3.

Such notice shall be sent by the Field-Cornet to the State Secretary, and the latter shall publish the same in the Staats Courant, all under the same provisions and punishment as set forth in Article 2.

If he is naturalized after this Law comes into force, he may obtain the full franchise after five years from the date of his naturalization, and, if he chooses, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.

ARTICLE 5.—­Nothing provided in this Law shall prevent the Executive Council from granting letters of naturalization with or without the full franchise to persons who take a position in the service of the country, or have rendered services to the country, or who have in any other respect rendered themselves of service to the country, although in their case they have not fulfilled the provisions of the Law provided that they take the oath in accordance with Article 1.

ARTICLE 6.—­Youths not born in the State, and whose fathers have obtained letters of naturalization or full franchise before they (the youth) had reached the age of sixteen years, have the same franchise as their father.

Youths born in this State, whose fathers were neither naturalized nor had the full franchise, may be naturalized at their sixteenth year by taking the oath mentioned in Article 1, and may, five years after that, obtain the full franchise by fulfilling the provisions mentioned in Article 1, Sections a and b.  They shall also, on their sixteenth year, by giving notice as contained in Schedule A, be able to obtain the full franchise five years thereafter, on fulfillment of the provisions contained in Article 1, Sections a, b and d.

Project Gutenberg
Selected Official Documents of the South African Republic and Great Britain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.