Kirkpatrick, Lieutenant-General, 64
Knossos, Palace of, 20
Koptos, prehistoric Egyptian at, 53
Kynaston, Professor Herbert, 67
Labouchere, Henry, 4
Lamarck, 17
Lancaster, Joseph, 24
Lankester, Edwin, 38, 81
E. Forbes, 39
Professor E. Ray, 38, 81
Fay, 39
Nina, 39
Phebe, 39
S. Rushton, 39
Larmor, Dr., 63
“Lay Texts,” 66
Leicester, Earl of, 54
“Leo X.,” 57
“Life in Early Britain,” 77
Liverpool Cathedral, 60
Lister, Lord, 39, 81
Arthur, 40, 81
Arthur H., 40
Gulielma, 40
J.J. (biologist), 40
J.J. (optical investigator), 40, 81
Llewelyn, John Dillwyn, 46
Lodge, Alfred, 41
Eleanor C., 41
George E., 41
Sir Oliver, 40
Richard, 40
Robert J., 40
Lombroso, xvi
“London, Life and Labour of People of,” 6
“Lorenzo de’ Medici, Life of,” 57
Lubbock, Edgar, 42
Sir John, 41, 80
Right Hon. Sir John, 41
Sir John William, 41, 80
Sir Neville, 42
Lunacy and imaginative power, xvi
Lusi, Frederick, Comte de (soldier), 37
Frederick, Comte de (statesman), 36
Spiridion, Comte de, 37
Macaulay, 24
McClintock, Alfred H., 43
Sir Francis L., 42
H.F., 43
John, Lord Rathdonell, 43
J.W.L., 43
Patience, 42
R.S., 44
Macdowall, Hay, 7
Mackenzie, Charles, 48
Sir Morell, 48
Sir Stephen, 48
“Mahrattas, History of the,” 28
Manor, Lord, 8
Mariner’s compass, 69
Markham, Admiral Sir Albert, 44
Sir Clements R., 44
Lieutenant-General Sir Edwin, 44
George, 45
Admiral John, 45
William (Archbishop of York), 45
William, 44
Marks applied to degree of noteworthiness, xxxvi
Maskelyne, M.H.N. Story, 45
Nevil, 45
Masterman, J. Story, 46
Material on which book is based, ix
Melbourne, Lord, 4
Meldola, David, 47
Raphael F.R.S., 47
Raphael (High Rabbi), 47
“Mentone, Flora of,” 46
Merit, standard of, xiii
“Merton Coll., Memorials of,” 61
Miall, Edward, 48
Rev. J.G., 48, 82
Lewis C., 48, 82
Stephen, 48
Micrometers, machine for ruling, 75
Miers, Edward J., 49
Francis Charles, 49
Professor H.A., 49
John, 49
“Middle Ages, Close of,” 41
Midleton, seventh Viscount, 61
Mill, 24
James, 64
Milner, Right Hon. Sir Frederick, 44
Milnes, R. Monckton, Lord Houghton, 50
R. Pemberton, 50
R.S., 49