Noteworthy Families (Modern Science) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about Noteworthy Families (Modern Science).

Noteworthy Families (Modern Science) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about Noteworthy Families (Modern Science).

fa, Sir John TOMES (1815-1895), F.R.S., dental surgeon; invented dental forceps; memoirs on histology of bone and teeth; delivered lectures at Middlesex Hosp., which marked new era in dentistry; induced Royal Coll. of Surgeons to grant license in dental surgery; one of the chief founders of the Odontological Soc., 1856, and of the Dental Hosp., 1858; secured passing of Dentists Act, 1878; wrote well-known treatise on “Dental Surgery,” and other works.—­["Dict.  N. Biog.”]

fa bro, Robert Fisher TOMES (1824-1904), authority on insectivora and chiroptera; edited Bell’s “British Quadrupeds”; wrote natural history sections for his own and neighbouring county histories.

me bro, George SIBLEY, C.E.I., went out to India as a civil engineer, and without influence rose to be chief engineer of the East Indian Railways, and did much important work in bridge-building.

James William Helenus #TRAIL# (b. 1851), F.R.S., Regius Professor
    of Botany, University of Aberdeen, since 1877; naturalist of an
    exploring expedition in N. Brazil, 1873-1875; has been largely
    occupied in the administrative work of the University and of
    other educational bodies in N. Scotland; has published numerous
    botanical and zoological papers in scientific journals.—­["Who’s

fa, Samuel TRAIL, LL.D., D.D. (both hon.), obtained Hutton Scholarship in Aberdeen as the most distinguished graduate of his year, 1825; Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Aberdeen, 1867; Moderator of Church of Scotland, 1874.

me bro, Hercules SCOTT, LL.D., Professor of Moral Philosophy in the King’s Coll. and University, Old Aberdeen, 1820-1860; said to have taken a large part in the administration of the University.

bro, John Arbuthnot TRAIL, LL.D., Writer to the Signet in Edinburgh; prominent in administration connected with the University of Edinburgh, the Church of Scotland, and other public bodies.

me si son, David BROWN, General; formerly Commissioner of Lower Burmah.

John #VENN# (b. 1834), D.Sc., F.R.S., Fellow of Caius Coll.,
    Cambridge; President, 1903; for many years lecturer on Moral
    Philosophy at Cambridge; author of many works on logic, and of “A
    Biographical History of Gonville and Caius Coll.”—­["Who’s Who.”]

fa fa, John VENN (1759-1813), scientific and mechanical interests; one of the first to adopt vaccination, applying it to his own children, and recommending it in the parish of Clapham, where he was rector in 1800; the principal founder of the Church Missionary Soc., 1798, the rules of which he sketched out much as they are still retained.—­["Dict.  N. Biog.”]

fa, Henry VENN (1796-1873), Wrangler and Fellow of Queens’ Coll., Cambridge; for many years secretary and practically manager of the Church Missionary Soc., the income of which increased under his guidance to over L100,000 per annum; vicar of Drypool, 1827, and of St. John’s, Holloway, London, 1834-1846.—­["Dict.  N. Biog.”]

Project Gutenberg
Noteworthy Families (Modern Science) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.